Page 52 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 52

[   GOLF           ]


                                                                                                                                                                      # 4 green        # 9 green

                                                                                                                                       “Our fairways are narrow

                                                                                                                                       so you have to be a good
                                                                                                                                       shot. The biggest thing

                                                                                                                                       we hear is how fun it

                                                                                                                                       is to play it. They can’t
                              Doin’ It in the Dirt                                                        # 7 and 8 greens             believe a course with dirt

                                                                                                                                       fairways could be any

                                The Lincoln County Links in Pioche, Nevada is mostly                                                   fun, but then they have a
                                   dirt with a little bit of grass, but 100 percent fun.                                               great time.”

                                                                                                                                 very surprised how fun it is to play,” she says.
                                                                                                                                 “Our fairways are narrow so you have to be a
                                                                                                                                 good shot. The biggest thing we hear is how
               orget about Augusta and Pebble Beach, and while you’re at it,   clubs won’t be damaged while playing out of the rough-scrabble fair-  fun it is to play it. They can’t believe a course
               who cares about St. Andrews, Cypress Point?     ways and roughs.                                                  with dirt fairways could be any fun, but then
                 Many would rather take the quaint and built-by-resi-  There are real-grass landing areas surrounding five of the greens and   they have a great time.”
        Fdents-and-volunteers Lincoln County Links, a unique 9-hole   plans are to add additional grass. To keep with the small-town feel, the   The annual “Do It in the Dirt Golf Classic”
        course located in the historic town of Pioche, Nevada anytime. The   grass on the course is watered by a “gravity-fed” system from a tank on   is one of many highlights of Labor Day Week-
        town sits 177 miles from Las Vegas at basically the midway point be-  top of a hill to the turf below.                   end in the area. The town throws a major
        tween the city that glitters and Ely, Nevada.            Everything at the course has been donated over the years, and to this   party with a parade, unforgettable fireworks
          About a decade-and-a-half ago, some townsfolk got together and   day no green fees are charged. A suggested donation of five dollars can   show, farmers market, carnival games, a
        hatched a plan to create their own golf course. Up until 2001, when   be placed in the collection box prior to play. For golfers looking for a   softball tournament, and much more, and
        Lincoln County Links opened, locals were forced to drive 100 miles to   cart, push cart, or have questions, they can simply call Peggy Decker at   the golf tournament has become a big part of
        White Pine Golf Club in Ely anytime the itch to tee it up needed to be   775-962-5206 and speak to the friendliest golf starter in the world.  the annual tradition. All details of Labor Day
        scratched.                                               “We created it because we love golf and the idea came to us during   Weekend, when thousands flock to Pioche,
          All of that changed when Richard and Peggy Decker put the word   one of our 100-mile drives to Ely and White Pine Golf Club, so we de-  are available at
        out about building a golf course in the area.          cided to see how much enthusiasm there was in the community for it   The 2016 weekend will be the 112th annual
          The Deckers held an initial planning meeting and more than 75   and everyone got excited,” Decker says. “It’s a most unique golf course,   extravaganza.
        people showed up to lend a hand. What came to pass is a par 29, 1,656-  that’s for sure. It’s not beautiful, but it’s a real tough layout. We have dirt   Lincoln County Links is open everyday
        yard course located in the Pioche Recreation Park. The layout features   fairways, turf greens and grass around some of them. It doesn’t take a   weather permitting. Tee times aren’t needed
        seven par three and two par four holes.                lot of water so we call it a course of the future.”               or taken and the tee box is ready and waiting.
          Artificial turf tees and greens are in use and were constructed with   The Deckers are always amused with the response from first-time   “We are getting more play year after year
        the help of Terry and Russ Gust from Ely, who happen to be the father   players or anyone who takes a gander at the course that is located on   so that is nice that the word is getting out,”
        and brother-in-law of this writer. Special small sections of turf are   State Route 322 at mile marker two.              Decker says. “We depend on word of mouth
        available for golfers to carry around the course during the round so   “Folks really get a chuckle when they first see it, but then they are   and our welcome tee is always open.”

    50  LVG&L   SUMMER 2017                                                  WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                      WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                      SUMMER 2017  LVG&L  51
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