Page 57 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 57

Jody Niemann

                                                              PHOTOS COURTESY JODY NIEMANN AND ROYAL LINKS GOLF CLUB

          t’s all about making people feel welcome                                   “Instead of the sport feeling very snooty
        Ifor Royal Links Golf Club general man-                                    and elitist, I want people to come here
        ager Jody Niemann, who is the first-ever                                   and have the same feeling I had when I
        female general manager at a Las Vegas golf                                 walked into the clubhouse as a little girl,”
        course. It’s kind of a stunner for Niemann                                 Niemann recently told the Las Vegas Sun.
        to think that this year marked the first time                              “I want people to feel welcome, because if
        a female has overseen a golf course, but                                   I wouldn’t have, then I would have never
        she’s proud to be the one and is inspired by                               played, and who knows where I’d be.”
        her fellow ladies of golf.                                                   Niemann also believes there are growth
          “When I think about women in golf in                                     opportunities for the game by embracing
        Southern Nevada, I think about a group of                                  non-traditional ideas and bringing them
        ladies who continue to challenge them-                                     to the golf course. In her first few months
        selves and have a don’t quit attitude,” Nie-                               on the job, she has worked to bring unique
        mann says. “They keep reaching for the top                                 events to the course and the future includes
        of their profession and remain involved in                                 a combination drone and golf event and
        the game because they have a passion for                                   a military fitness/golf training program,
        it. For me, that’s what it comes down to; I                                among other ideas.
        just have a huge passion for golf and I love                                 “It’s been a learning experience since I
        everything about it and I think that is the                                became the general manager and I think
        same for the other ladies.”                                                I have learned as much about myself as I
          Niemann is a graduate of Arizona                                         have about the industry,” Niemann says.
        State University and team member of two                                    “Some of what I have learned is that we
        NCAA Team Championships. Individually                                      have a responsibility to help grow the game
        she is a USGA Public Links Champion and played for three years on   and reach out to people who may not “speak golf” or be true golfers
        the LPGA Tour and also coached for six years at the division one level.   and introduce them to the sport through different events that you may
        She donates a lot of time to charity events, where she routinely hits   not expect to happen at a golf course. I want golf to be fun and interac-
        drives of 270 yards for her stunned male playing partners.  tive, and I am very excited to create non-traditional golf events while
          Niemann took over at Royal Links late in 2017 and is not only trying   still honoring the things that make golf great.”
        new ideas at the course, but she is hoping they catch on in the entire

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