Page 59 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 59
Amy Bush-Herzer Shawna Elliott
hawna Elliott is a Class A PGA Pro-
Sfessional and director of instruction at
Rhodes Ranch specializing in golf instruction
for beginning golfers, juniors and women.
Elliott, a Las Vegas native, began playing golf
in high school. She graduated from UNLV
with a Masters of Science in Hotel Adminis-
tration in 2013 and was a part of the presti-
gious UNLV Professional Golf Management
She is also a certified personal trainer
and Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) golf
fitness professional and doTERRA Wellness
Advocate. She believes wellness from the
my Busher-Herzer is a PGA of America inside out is critical to achieving any goal on
Amember who once served as the first and off the golf course.
official employee of the Southern Nevada “The game of golf is one that can uncover
chapter of the PGA. For the last seven years, talents, passions, and experiences one might
Bush-Herzer has been the head coach of the have never anticipated,” Elliott wrote in a
UNLV women’s golf team, which as of this recent blog. “As a golf coach I am fortunate to
year has made the NCAA regionals for 15 work with and learn from the tiniest golfers.
straight years. At the beginning of each class we start with a
Bush-Herzer takes great pride in her play- movement warm-up of sorts. In a span of just
ers on and off the course and is now thrilled a few minutes we find ourselves pretending to
to watch former players Therese O‘Hara and be a frog, bear, or even a snake! Though the
Dana Finkelstein as they play on the LPGA goal I have set forth is to encourage motor
Tour, marking the first time two former Lady learning and control through play, I am si-
Rebels have been exempt on the tour during multaneously being taught how to be silly and
the same season. let go. As I get more and more comfortable
“I take great pride in knowing our student with playing like a kid (strange to think that
athletes are successful in the classroom,” has become challenging because I was a kid)
Bush-Herzer said. “They continue to work the more relaxed and free I feel, and ultimate-
very hard on the golf course and in the ly, I learn how to be a better leader, friend,
classroom. Every day it is my goal to make a teacher, and person. The most interesting part
difference in my student athletes and get them is that the more I let go of my rigid agenda,
ready for whatever the next step in life may the more organic and fuller the learning envi-
be.” ronment becomes at a far greater magnitude
than what I planned for the lesson that day.”