Page 64 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 64

Kristen Sunderhaft                                                                                                                        Ann Sunstrum

                LAS VEGAS
                                                 PHOTOS COURTESY KRISTEN SUNDERHAFT / DAVE SUNDERHAFT (A.K.A DAD)                                                                                           PHOTOS COURTESY ANN SUNSTRUM

                                                                                     ristin Sunderhaft is a Class A Mem-                                                                                             Highland Falls, a Golf Summerlin Club,
                                                                                 Kber of the LPGA, Teaching and Club                                                                                                 is the home course of the SNGA
                                                                                 Professional Division, TPI Certified, and the
                                                                                 author of the book, Swinging For Success,
                                                                                 Life Lessons I’ve Learned on the Golf Course.
                                                                                 She has been teaching golf for over 20 years
                                                                                 and works out of the Legacy Golf Club, but
                                                                                 teaching is just part of it. She believes what      nn Sunstrum has been around golf for decades, including being
                                                                                 she does is a calling and much more than just   Amarried to professional John Sunstrum. For many years, she was
                                                                                 helping someone hit the little round ball.      the lady behind the scenes in helping turn Mesquite, Nevada, into the
                                                                                   Sunderhaft teaches men, women, and chil-      preeminent golf destination it is today and also helping to elevate the
                                                                                 dren of all ages and skill levels from beginners   Mesquite Amateur into one of the largest amateur tournaments in the
                                                                                 to professionals. Her sessions utilize swing    country.
                                                                                 drills, various training aids, and video anal-    Sunstrum now serves as the executive director of the Southern Neva-
                                                                                 ysis. She uses golf as a way to empower all of   da Golf Association, the official arm of the United States Golf Associa-
                                                                                 her students and to live life to the fullest.   tion in these parts. The SNGA operates a major tournament schedule,
                                                                                   “I have a deep passion to help people and     operates several USGA qualifier events and is now a key partner in the
                                                                                 the avenue of how I help people is through      Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association.
                                                                                 the game of golf,” Sunderhaft says. “I consider   “What a special year it is for us at the Southern Nevada Golf Asso-
                                                                                 myself a coach and also a one-time lesson       ciation because it is the 50th anniversary for this special organization,”
                                                                                 instructor. Teaching has my heart and when I    Sunstrum says. “It’s an honor to help lead the SNGA into the future,
                                                                                 finally realized that, I was all in and that is my   especially with so many exciting and interesting new initiatives by
                                                                                 sole focus. I truly believe that people I work   the USGA. Plus, we are very focused on our work with junior golf in
                                                                                 with have found me for a reason and it’s an     Southern Nevada and we have big things planned, including hosting
                                                                                 honor to help change people’s lives through     the Girls Junior America’s Cup in July.”                                                     Mesquite, Nevada
                                                                                 this wonderful sport.”

    62  LVG&L   SUMMER 2017                                                  WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                      WWW.LASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                      SUMMER 2017  LVG&L  63
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