Page 60 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 60
Natalie Gulbis Sue May
hat can we say about Natalie Gulbis ue May, the most noted United States Golf Association rules official in Southern Nevada, re-
Wother than she has been a true ambas- Scently received recognition for 25 years of service to the USGA. The Award is named in honor
sador for golf in Las Vegas? Gulbis has lived of Isaac B. Grainger, who served on the USGA Executive Committee in 1945 and later rose to the
in the Las Vegas area for nearly two decades office of USGA President in 1954. Grainger remained active as a volunteer in the years following
and has not only represented the area as a his Presidency and was still a consulting member of the Rules of Golf Committee in 1994 (his
star on the LPGA Tour, but has taken time and the USGA’s 100th year). He continued to serve until his death on October 18th, 1999, just
to give back to the community, most notably short of his 105th birthday.
through her efforts with the Boys and Girls When there is a major amateur tournament in Southern Nevada, and some lower level mini-
Clubs of Southern Nevada. tour professional events including the Nevada Open, most likely May will be the lead rules
She was instrumental in creating a Natalie official. She has also worked many US men and women’s opens, US amateurs, and other national
Gulbis campus center and annually hosts competitions.
a fundraising event to help raise dollars “I am extremely honored to be recognized for my service, but I guess this means I have been
and awareness for the club. Gulbis not only doing this for a little too long,” May says. “I never thought I would make it 25 years, but it has
donates to the cause but she quietly visits the been special. What really stands out to me are the friends I have made and the people I have met
club on a regular basis, spending time with over those years. We are a close-knit family and I have become personal friends with people who
the kids with no cameras around and many I have served the game with during that time. That is what has meant so much to me and what I
times taking the kids on outings to the Tay- will always cherish.”
lorMade Golf Experience, Lake Las Vegas,
and other locations.
On the course, Gulbis is playing less on the
LPGA Tour but continues a burgeoning tele-
vision career with her work for Fox and also
her series, “18 holes with Jimmy Hanlon and
Natalie Gulbis.” As of this writing, Gulbis had
earned more than $4.8 million on the golf
course and had won the 2007 Evian Masters.
“I’m [playing] a limited schedule this year
and will continue to play a limited schedule,”
Gulbis says. “I had a wonderful 2016. I fin-
ished my first season of my television show. I
did have some injuries, but I’m healthy now
and looking forward to playing a limited
schedule again in 2017 and continuing the
television work. I have balance. Playing a
limited scheduled has been fun and allowed
me to spend more time growing the game in
different ways. I’m so honored to have a boys
and girls club in my name, and the kids are
amazing. I’m grateful for the opportunity to
get to know them, and I’m so proud of them.
My greatest joy is my time spent with the
kids from the club. I get to share that with my
husband, Josh, and there is no greater chapter
in my life than that.”