Page 88 - LVGL Summer 2017
P. 88

[   DINING               ]

                                                   CRA VINGS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Without a doubt
                                                                                                                                            Carnevino is a massive place with four dining rooms, including
                          Its All in the Name                                                                                             one that sits across a main thoroughfare of the hotel. Judging from            this is definitely a
                                                                                                                                          the crowd that was already there early on a Tuesday evening, I’m sure
                                                                                                                                          every inch of space is well utilized. “Classic elegance” are two words to      place that elevates
                                                                                                                                          describe the ambiance. It is almost like entering an Italian villa as one
                                             Carnevino = meat + wine                                                                      of the attentive staff members walks you to the table and you see walls        your mood for the
                                                                                                                                          adorned with pristine tapestries. Without a doubt this is definitely a
                                 STORY BY BOB GOURLEY  |  PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY CARNEVINO                                               place that elevates your mood for the gastronomical feast that is to           gastronomical feast
                                                                                                                                          come.                                                                          that is to come.
                                                                                                                                            As the name says, Carne (meat) and Vino (wine) combine for an
                                                                                                                                          experience you won’t find anywhere else on the Strip. Batali’s recipes
                                                                                                                                          are artfully presented by Culinary Director Nicole Brisson, a native of
                                       t won’t be long until the inaugural Audi Henderson Lake Las                                        upstate New York who was introduced to the restaurant industry at her
                                       Vegas Classic takes place. Carnevino at the Palazzo is one of the                                  grandfather’s restaurant in Saratoga. She was Chef di Cucina at OTTO
                                    Irestaurants that will feature some of their outstanding menu items                                   for three years before being appointed to her current position in 2016.
                                    at the event.                                                                                           You can feel the passion she has in describing the essence of the
                                     Celebrity Chef Mario Batali and entrepreneur Joe Bastianich opened                                   place. “It is an Italian steakhouse that is unique because of huge farm-
                                    Carnevino in January of 2008. Batali is best known for his work on                                    to-table antipasti that we get from as many local purveyors that we
                                    ABC’s “The Chew.” He is also the author of ten cookbooks and heads                                    can,” she says. “We have amazing handmade pasta made by my ladies
                                    The Mario Batali Foundation with the mission of feeding, protecting,                                  who spend eight hours every day making the beef cheeks and every-
                                    and empowering children worldwide. Bastianich is a well-known                                         thing else.”
                                    restaurant entrepreneur.

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