Page 7 - Yoga Burn™ eBook PDF by Zoe Bray-Cotton
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Can I do Yoga Burn while pregnant?
Yes, you absolutely can. If pregnant, I recommend you
take advantage of the bonus videos, The Beginner Flow
and The Tranquility Flow, which are ideal throughout all
stages of Pregnancy. In addition, we also provide you with
a complete list of modifications to be used during each
trimester of your pregnancy. And best of all, Yoga Burn is
perfect for helping you recover once you've had your baby
as you can start getting fit without even having to leave the
comfort of your own home!
What makes Yoga Burn different from yoga
Well, first of all, you won't have to be stepping over sweaty
yoga mats to find a spot in an overpriced and crowded
studio, fight through traffic to get to the gym, or deal with
men having their heads up your "you know what" just to do
the same generic class week in and week out. But, on a
more serious note, Yoga Burn is a progressive yoga
program designed exclusively for women to deliver
maximum fat burning results and body shaping effects in
the shortest amount of time. Remember, each and every
strategic movement built into this program was done so