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                                    36www.i-am-magazine.comBy LaQuita ParksAcceptance,The Ability toSurrender ControlIn our world today, many people quit on thesmallest interruptions in life. Surviving and thrivingin life is necessary to reach milestones ofcelebrating success beyond limitations. Human lifeis about challenges, changes, and confusion.Sadness enters our lives through a multiplicity ofavenues, from losing a loved one to death, divorce,relocation, etc. These are the moments in life thatteach us to cheer each person and moment withgratitude. When we are thankful for each momentwith family and friends, we build a foundation ofstrength, resilience, and resolve to press forwardand accept people for who they are.%u201cAcceptance does not mean resignation; it meansunderstanding that something is what it is and thatthere%u2019s got to be a way through it.%u201d %u2013 Michael J. Fox,AARP The Magazine Interview (2019)I want to share a very personal story of acceptancewith you.It was a Sunday evening, about forty-three yearsago. I was around eleven or twelve years old.Momma called me into her room so she could combmy hair for school the next day. We lived with mygrandma at the time. I remember it well because welived with my grandma for five years. This was thelongest bit of stability I had during my childhood
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