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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com43Let's Talk About HealthNatural Remedies forAching FeetNatural Remedies forAching FeetFoot pain is something that we have all experienced in ourlives. After a long day at work, shopping, or yard work,your feet can be tired, achy, swollen, and heavy. Thisachiness happens because when you are on your feet,there is a significant amount of stress being put on yourfeet. However, you aren't doomed to suffer this pain withno relief.Below are some natural remedies that will ease your sorefeet and have you feeling great again.1. Alternate Hot and Cold:Alternating hot and cold baths alternately dilate andconstrict blood vessels in your feet, which boostscirculation and reduces the swelling and achiness in yourfeet. To do this exercise, fill one basin up with cold waterand one up with hot water. While sitting comfortably,place your feet in the cold water for five minutes.Afterward, switch to the hot water. Switch back and forthfor a total of thirty minutes for maximum effectiveness.2. Elevate Your Fee:Elevating your feet for fifteen to twenty minutes after youare on your feet for any length of time will increase thecirculation in your legs and feet and help reduce pain andswelling. This is particularly helpful for those who spend alot of time standing or walking during the day. When youare on your feet for extended periods, the blood in yourlegs and feet can pool, causing discomfort and swelling. By
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