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                                    55www.i-am-magazine.comBy Violet PrichardHow to Change YourSelf-PerceptionHow to Change YourSelf-PerceptionThere is a scene in the iconic movie %u201cMeanGirls%u201d where the main characters take turnslooking into a mirror and making comments onthe flaws they see. This movie has captured amassive flaw in humanity in this one fleetingscene. There is nothing more universal inhumanity than the tendency to perceiveourselves in a negative light.It is also true that most of us long to feel a selflove that we feel like others can achieve, evenwhen we are not able to achieve it. There areseveral things that you can do to help yourselfsee yourself in a much more positive light.1. Recognize Your Self-Perception:The first step to changing how you perceiveyourself is to take inventory of what youcurrently think. Facing those insecurities is theonly way to turn negative thoughts into positiveones.Ask yourself these questions to help youachieve an inventory of your current feelings:Where are your eyes first drawn when youlook in the mirror?What do you find yourself trying to hidewhen you pick out your clothes?What do you worry about in socialinteractions?Understanding how you see yourself in thepresent is the only way to change thosethoughts. The other thing to keep in mind is thatthese perceptions are more than physical. Mostof us have insecurities about the way othersperceive us, both physically and in socialinteractions as well.2. Understand Those Perceptions:These perceptions that you have of yourself areusually far deeper than they seem on the surfa-
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