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                                    56www.i-am-magazine.comce. Usually, we tend to justify our perceptionsbased on these deeper meanings. So,understanding why you have certainperceptions is just as important as identifyingthose perceptions in the first place.For example, you may think to yourself, %u201cIcannot date him/her because I am not prettyenough.%u201d See, the perception of your beautyaffects the world around you because it affectsyour decisions, in this example, your decision todate him/her.3. Determine What You Are Missing:Once you have figured out what it is that youthink about yourself, you can use a simplequestioning technique to discover the wholeother side of things that you have been missingall along.Start by making a list of all the things that youhold true about yourself. Then, imagine that allof them were inherently untrue.For example, if you think that you are not smartenough, the statement will become:Change: To:I am not smart enough. I am smart enough.Now, ask yourself:What are you smart enough for?Change: To:I am not loved. I am loved.Now, ask yourself:Why are you loved?Answering these simple questions will help youtake the next step in changing your thoughtprocess about yourself.4. Change Negative Thoughts to PositiveThoughts:This last step is easy. Once you havedetermined where all of that negative thinkingis coming from, you have made your list andbegun to doubt your thoughts about yourself.You can finally come to realize that yourthinking is extremely flawed.The truth is that most other people do not seeyou the same way you see yourself. You simplymust focus on changing those negativethoughts into positive thinking.This part of the challenge is going to take somepurposeful decision-making. It may require acommitment on your part. Every time you findyourself questioning your worth, simply gothrough the mental process of the steps listedabove. This will help you change your thinkingto a more positive light.Transform your negative thoughts into positiveones, and you'll witness a change in less thanthree weeks.Give it a shot and uncover the \yourself.Cheers,Violet
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