Page 60 - Demo
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60www.i-am-magazine.com2. Love yourself more than you do now. Justlike showing compassion to ourselves, manypeople struggle to love themselves. They feelloving themselves makes them selfish, shallow,and self-indulgent. That couldn't be fartherfrom the truth.Being selfish and shallow isn't lovingyourself, and being self-indulgent isn'tloving yourself either. You do not loveyourself enough if you don't treat yourselfwith the same respect and kindness withwhich you treat your best friend.But loving yourself is not something thatyou can do overnight. It would help if youbuilt up an appreciation and understandingof who you are and why you're in the world.Once you have that knowledge, it will makeit easier to learn to love yourself.Self-acceptance isn't something that you canachieve instantly. It%u2019s important to learn tolove yourself, even if you don't always feelcomfortable doing so. It's not a matter offeeling happy with who you are and what youhave. It's a matter of accepting yourimperfections without feeling bad about them.When you do that, paradoxically, you becomehappier because when you accept who you are,it helps set the tone for self-improvement andgrowth.Start Today!Cheers,Emma