Page 7 - Demo
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                                    JANUARY - HONESTY - Honesty is important to look deep inside yourself to findwhat needs to change.FEBRUARY - ACCEPTANCE - With acceptance, we can start working towardspersonal growth.MARCH - CONSCIOUS - it is important to be conscious to have a plan of action toachieve transformation.APRIL - PERSPECTIVE - Having a clear perspective is the key to finding the solutionto any problem.MAY - FORGIVENESS - When you forgive yourself and others, you can close thecycle of self-punishment and regret.JUNE - KIND - With Kindness, you can accept your path and experiences as lessonsin life, and allow others to lean on you for your experiences and wisdom.JULY - WILLING - Your willingness to grow into a better version of yourself will helpyou find the right path and people in your life to align with your purpose.AUGUST - METAMORPHOSIS - We are an average of the 5 people we spend themost time with. Choose wisely who they are to embrace your metamorphosis.SEPTEMBER - ENRICHMENT - As you embrace the metamorphosis, you will findenrichment in many aspects.OCTOBER - IMPACTFUL - As you become enriched, you will see how impactful youare in your community and those around you.NOVEMBER - WISE - Sharing the wisdom of your journey with others will opendifferent avenues to be of service to others.DECEMBER - PURPOSE - By this time, your journey of metanoia will guide you tofulfill your purpose in life.MetanoiaTo change one%u2019s mind; to expand it in such a way as to have anew perspective on the world or one%u2019s self.2024Themes
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