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www.i-am-magazine.com10My confidence grew. My sense of freedomexpanded. We created millions of happymoments together.But, after the economic crash due to 9/11 andthe Iraq war, I was back in France. I had to leavethe entrepreneurship status to find a job to feedmy boys, who were teenagers.I became a P.A. (Personal Assistant) in STEM*companies (Science, Technology, Engineering,Mathematics) for close to ten years and washired at several global tech companies.I was a Personal Assistant to a VP of Marketingand Communication in EMEA (Europe, MiddleEast, Africa).It was a very beneficial time. I learnedeverything about new technologies, eventsorganization, communication, marketing, socialmedia, and so much more about globalcompanies' ways of working.During those years, I listened to selfdevelopment videos every day while showering,in my car while commuting for hours, and onweekends, and I gorged myself on inspiringmotivational videos of the best writer andspeaker Earth has carried, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Ihave to mention his name because I listened toall his videos, PBC television shows, andinterviews.At my job, I felt ignored, unappreciated, andbored. Simply said, I felt unfulfilled.However, it was the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyerthat catalyzed my transformation, sparking aninternal revolution that reshaped myperspective.Dr. Dyer's words were not merely sentencesstrung together. They were potent elixirs thatseeped into my soul, healing and transformingme from within.Since my youngest age, as far as I canremember, I%u2019ve always been very positive,optimistic, and very kind to others, so I had nopain, no hard work in drinking Dr. Wayne Dyer%u2019sgood words and applying them to my own life.He helped me transform my inner personal life.My purpose in life. This helped me to define mytrue desire for writing, speaking, coaching, andwellbeing retreats. My plan started to bedefined little by little like a drawing.With my philosophy, I used my unique secretway, now my method, 'The Happy 2SucceedBlueprint process', self-love healing, authentic