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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com134. INSPIRATION ON DEMAND: Channel all thecreativity, write books, create music, cook,dance, teach, etc.%u2026as if your mind is pluggedinto superintelligence.5. ABUNDANCE: In love, in friendship, youwake up feeling truly blessed.6. FLOW & EASE: Love what you are doing;always flow and ease with what you are workingon.7. CREATE YOUR REALITY: The goals and thethings you put on your vision board happen forreal.HOW DO YOU REACH THESE STEPS?WITH YOUR GOLDEN GIFTSThese steps typically arise from fourdistinct states of consciousness. In myprogram for women, LIMITLESS, YOUMAGNIFICENT MARVEL WOMEN, wedelve into this concept in depth.Join us, women, and let's explore thistogether.If you had a magic wand, which one of these 7steps would be the most important to you?You want to heal your relationship or maximizeyour potential, or maybe it%u2019s abundance? Circleit!!When there is a personal disruption, don%u2019t feelpunished by the universe%u2026Don%u2019t feel like thevictim!!How did I Reconnect with Myself?Finding Balance and HarmonyBeing a business owner and the leader of myfamily, I have developed a morning routine thatI have practiced daily for more than 8 years.These are actionable steps for you to take toprotect yourself, expand your inner power, andsurvive your transformation period:1st and foremost, overcome the negativityand overwhelm.We always live with a fight-or-flight response.We all have inside of us the negativitypredisposition because, for thousands of years,to keep us safe, we have that sense ofprotection and safety during an emergency orvery difficult times against dangerous animalsand other enemy tribes. Furthermore, we stillhave it: the fight or flight.So, when we look at the news, what is going onin the world, it scares us, and we feel lost andoverwhelmed. Of course, the news gives ussome valuable information, but the sensation offear and anxiety may rise and grow so much ifwe constantly watch it. This news feeds thefear.
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