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www.i-am-magazine.com16Crafting OurHeartCenteredStories forHolisticHarmonyBY SHILPA LEWIS[4-min Read | 965 words]Have you ever felt the weight of ambitionpulling you deeper into the corporate labyrinth,only to realize later that pursuing success hadveered you away from your happiness?I stood at this crossroads, realizing I shouldhave left the corporate world sooner, a pivotalmoment that unraveled a profound truth aboutheart-centered alignment and fulfillment.In the ambitious pursuit of my master's degreeand a career in a corporate niche, I sensed agrowing disconnection. It struck me that we, asa generation, had inadvertently sidelined ourhearts and souls. Reflecting on the patterns ofthose who came before us, I recognized arecurring theme%u2014ceding our personal power toexternal expectations.And ceding to our hearts over our heads.It was a revelation that begged the question:Had I been pursuing my professional pathbased on external rules and societalexpectations rather than my authentic desires?The crisis point emerged when I confronted thestark reality that my path was misaligned withmy heart center.The realization dawned that I had neglected tofollow my heart, allowing the external world todictate my journey. It became clear that thismisalignment was not only affecting my sense ofpurpose but also escalating stress, anxiety,frustrations, dissatisfaction, and even momentsof depression.What does it truly mean to live a heart-centeredlife?For me, this juncture illuminated that I had anopportunity to reclaim my personal power.And I recognized that as spiritual beings we arecreators of our own life.This was the catalyst for my solopreneur journey,where every day I am creative.In this transformative process, the first step