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www.i-am-magazine.com14Instead, use this:Positive thinkingUsing the healthy imagination muscle: It'sgetting in touch with your inner genius; all thegreat leaders use it, from actors toentrepreneurs to spiritual leaders. %u201cImaginationis more important than Knowledge%u201d - EinsteinAnd your powerful inner intuitionChoosing to approach life with positivity andexercising one's imagination muscle has beenscientifically proven to be beneficial.Focus on vibrating with the energy you want toattract and feel, and you'll be on your way tounleashing your imagination and intuition.Here, I want to teach you and inspire you withhow to remove the negativity in times of difficulttimes:1.Gratitude and mantra for 5 minutes.2.Meditate at least 2 minutes.3.Breathe for 4 minutes!Move your arms and legs, do yoga, running,walking, or jumping.4.I prepare my favorite warm morning tea,honey lemon, and ginger cloves, plus thepowerful micronutrients that I take toreinforce all my cells and even my core DNAwith omega 3.5.Go into nature if you can, or if you are in acity, just breathe at your window!6.7.Write your journal and your gratitude.8.Adequate sleep, restful sleepNurture close, meaningful relationships withothers9.10.Spirituality with some reading or mentoringMeaning, having a \and life11.12.Being active regularlyBuilding happiness and cultivating awarenesscan increase pleasure-inducing hormones likeserotonin and oxytocin, while also helping todissolve fears or anxieties related to intentionalliving and daily routines, according to scientificresearch.Regain your presence to be there in peace,with passion and purpose. The highestenergy current is LOVE.Fortify your faith and your sense ofempowerment during this time.Build your immune system with yourpresence awareness.With hope, like a leader, it helps you createmotivation.With optimism to spread loveBe a loving, courageous, joyful person.