Page 24 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 24

24A                             April 2020                                                                 JEWISH INTEREST

        Liberation, April 1945

        By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD                                                                                                                             By Arlene Stolnitz

              eventy-five years ago this month   by the Swedish Red Cross and the Dan-  brück also served as a training base for   brück Archive  at  Lund  University  in   ith  Passover  approaching,
              saw  April  1945,  a  momentous   ish government, known collectively as   female  guards,  and  eventually  some   Sweden  has  loaned  the  Library  valu-  the  name  of  the  group  Let
        Stime for the surviving Jews of       the “White Buses” initiative. The term   3,500  women  were  trained  there  for   able artifacts from the survivors. The WMy People Sing! caught my
        Europe  languishing  in  concentration   “White Buses” was employed because   work in this and other camps.       Malmö  Museum,  which  houses  the  eye recently. After researching it, I dis-
                        camps. With the end   the  vehicles  were  painted  white  with   Most  of  the  camp  was  evacuated   White  Bus  Collection,  has  agreed  to  covered this is not a group connected
                        of the war, prisoners   red  crosses  to  keep  them  from  being   in  March  1945  as  the  Russians  ap-  loan original photographs of the White  to the holiday at all. Instead, like many
                        (whether  Jewish  or   confused  with  military  vehicles.  The   proached. When the camp was liberat-  Buses, the rescue mission and the sur-other  Jewish  choral  groups,  Let  My
                        not) facing the pros-  rescued prisoners would then be trans-  ed by Soviet troops during April 29-30,   vivors  disembarking  the  buses  once  People  Sing!  (LMPS)  is  a  group  of
                        pect of liberation saw   ported to neutral Sweden.          they found only 3,500 ill and famished   safely in Sweden, as well as other arti-         people who love
                        each  day  dragging       Ultimately,  a  total  staff  of  about   women left.                    facts that contribute to the story.                 to sing and whose

                        by, seemingly with-   300 mainly  volunteer  rescuers was      It has been estimated that approxi-   Through the stories of the survivors             mission is to sing
                        out end. Yet painfully   able to save 15,345 prisoners. Of these,   mately 50,000 inmates died at Ravens-  and the heroism of the rescuers, the To    music  of  diverse
          Dr. Paul Bartrop  slowly,  as  German   7,795 were Scandinavian citizens and   brück  across  the  camp’s  duration.  In   Life exhibition  shares a message of     Jewish  traditions
        units  both  west  and  east  surrendered,   7,550 were from elsewhere. Those of   addition  to  general  overwork,  expo-  hope and belief in the human spirit.      from  ancient  to
        the concentration camps were liberated.  non-Scandinavian  citizenship  includ-  sure, malnutrition, disease and abuse,   The  story  of  the White  Buses  not       contemporary
            On April 12, 1945, Westerbork, in   ed prisoners from Poland and France,   individual  women  were  subjected  to   only points the way for what was truly        songs. But this
        the Netherlands, was set free. The day   among other places.                excruciating  medical  experimenta-   an absolute good, it also helps to redeem           is  a  group  with
        before,  Buchenwald’s  inmates  rose      Ravensbrück  was  a  Nazi  concen-  tion while in the camp, including bone   the record of humanity at a time when          a  difference.  All

        against  their  SS  guards  and  took  over   tration  camp  for  women,  located  56   transplants, induced gas gangrene and   it  was  tested  to  its  maximum.  Those   Arlene Stolnitz  about inclusion,
        the  camp,  handing  it  to  United  States   miles north of Berlin on swampy land   deliberately infected incisions. Early in   involved  in  the White  Buses  initiative  this  unique  group  will  get  together
        forces on April 13. Bergen-Belsen was   near the Havel River. In late 1939, the   1945, a gas chamber was constructed   formed  another  part  of  the  “Greatest  this summer at the Isabella Freedman
        liberated by the British Army on April   camp  held  2,000  prisoners.  By  late   at the camp, where, it is asserted, be-  Generation,” one which has, all too in-Jewish Retreat Center in Canaan, Con-
        15, and on April 23 the SS transferred   1942, there were 10,800. In 1944, the   tween  2,200  and  2,400  women  were   frequently, been brought to light. It is of  necticut,  for  a  week  of  singing  and
        Mauthausen to the International Com-  main  camp  contained  26,700  women   gassed.                              course right that we focus on the deaths  camaraderie.
        mittee of the Red Cross. The next day,   and  several  thousand  girls  in  a  sepa-  In the spring of 2020, through to   of  the  Holocaust.  It  is  a  phenomenon   LMPS  is  a  group  that  considers
        Dachau, after 12 years and 28 days of   rate  compound  for  children.  During   the  end  of April,  the  Center  for  Ho-  that has rightly been called, in Latin, the  music  as  medicine.  Music  levels  the
        unending misery and abuse, was over-  its existence, at least 107,753 women   locaust  and  Genocide  Research,  in   mysterium tremendum – the “mystery  playing fi eld. It has the ability to free
        run  by  the  United  States  Army.  Five   (123,000  according  to  a  former  pris-  conjunction  with  the  Department  of   that repels.” Yet the story of the White  and heal the soul. Everyone can be a
        days  later,  on  April  29,  the  women’s   oner, Germaine Tillion) were interned   Archives,  Special  Collections,  and   Buses can, by contrast, be termed the  leader and learner of song. Building a
        camp at Ravensbrück was liberated.    at Ravensbrück and its satellite camps,   Digital  Initiatives  at  the  Wilson  G.   mysterium fascinosum – the “mystery  community of song should be intergen-
            Thousands of survivors from camps   most of which were industrial slave la-  Bradshaw  Library  of  Florida  Gulf   that attracts.”             erational  and  inclusive. At  the  center
        throughout  Western  Europe  were  then   bor sites.                        Coast University (FGCU); the Saraso-     It is a story that to some extent re-of this community are the voices of

        rescued in a unique scheme undertaken     During  1942  and  1943,  Ravens-  ta-based non-profit organization Better   deems  the  value  of  humanity,  and  for  those who have been marginalized in
                                                                                    Futures; and the Ravensbrück Archive   this reason alone it is something which  the  Jewish  community.  That  includes
             STAY CONNECTED                        STAY CONNECTED                   at Lund University and the Malmö Mu-  we are proud to bring to the FGCU fam-queer  Jews,  Sephardi  and  Mizrahi
                                                                                    seum (both in Sweden), is mounting a   ily  and  the  wider  community.  It  is,  in  Jews, Jews of color, transgender Jews,

                                                                                    major exhibition entitled To Life. This   short, significant. In the period of stress  Jews with disabilities, indigenous Jews
                                                                                    brings to FGCU the story of the White
                                                                                                                          in which we are living, the example pro-and  even  Jewish  women.  Most  orga-
                                                      of  the  women  and  children  from  Ra-  all to follow in our hearts and through  the center of their programming. While
                                                                                    Bus rescue mission and the liberation
                                                                                                                          vided by the rescuers is a model for us  nizations do not include “the other” at
                                                                                    vensbrück concentration camp.
                                                                                                                          our conduct.
                                                                                                                                                            anyone is welcome to attend, the em-
                                                                                       To Life tells  the  story of the  lib-
                                                                                                                          Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of His-phasis is defi nitely on the marginalized
                                                                                    eration through the lens of the women
                                                                                                                          tory and the Director of the Center for  group. As a result, those who have not
                                                                                    and  children  after  being  rescued  by
                                                                                    the  White  Buses,  relating  this  story
                                                                                                                          Florida Gulf Coast University. He can  had  access  to  Judaism,  have  found  a
                                                                                    of hope, compassion and heroism.      Holocaust and Genocide Research at  always  been  welcomed  and  have  not
                                                                                                                          be reached at
                                                                                                                                                            way to express themselves.
                                                                                       To help facilitate this, the Ravens-                                    God receives us as we are, judging
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                         MUST R.S.V.P. Limited Seating
                               Venice: 941-866-0454                                    1,912 Sarasota-Manatee
                             Sarasota: 941-328-8253                                    students learned about
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