Page 29 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 29

COMMENTARY                                                                             February 2021                                    29A

     Live your life with vigor and joy

                                          ment” and bestows upon a person       and positivity, it leads us to all kinds   Please take the concepts enumerat-
 child’s stomach  and  neck  for  better   good spiritual abundance. This means   of negative behavior, which ultimately   ed to heart. Live your life with vigor
 safety and comfort.       From           that when we are joyful and positive,   downgrades our life and precludes us   and joy, and know that happiness leads
 City Transformer  offers  a  folding     we have the inner power to dictate  a   from  benefiting  fully  from  the  bless-  us to fulfill our true potential.
 electric  two-seater car that can reach   the   sweeter, better and more superior out-  ings G-d bestows upon us.        Lastly, if you know someone strug-
 up to 55 miles per hour. Four of them    come on any encounter of life’s trials    In short, sadness has the destruc-  gling with sadness, please guide them
 fit into a standard parking spot.  Bimah  and tribulations. Through a more joy-  tive potential  to drag a person down   with warm words, direct them to seek
 DouxMatok’s Incredo Sugar al-            ful attitude in life, we can exceed our   and hinder one from leading a life that   help and encourage them to live life to
 lows bakers and food companies to        expectations  of ourselves  and life.  In   is meant to be fulfilling, joyful and en-  its fullest.
 reduce sugar content by 30-50% while     a  certain  sense,  being  joyful  despite   riching.                           Happy Purim!
 retaining the same level of sweetness.  Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz   facing a challenge can create a better
 The sugar grains are engineered  so  Chabad of Sarasota  reality for ourselves.                                      games for children. “What on earth are
 that most of the flavor reaches the taste    I want  to  share one more  factor       BRIEFS                         these for?” I wondered. “There isn’t a
 buds.  (Shoshanna  Solomon,  Times of   s we are about to celebrate the   about joy based upon the founding          kid in sight. We’re all over 60.” And
 Israel)    Purim holiday, known as the   principles of Chassidic teachings.                                          then  it  struck me,  as people  happily
     Aholiday of joy, I would like to         Tanya, a book authored by the first   continued from previous page      and gratefully took copies of the book-
 3,000-YEAR-OLD GOLD   share a few words on the topic of joy.  Lubavitcher  Rebbe,  uses a  parable  to   the Israel that knows how to show our   let – and then asked for another copy or
 BEAD DISCOVERED IN   Everyone agrees that joy is essen-  depict the struggle of day-to-day life.   national resilience when facing a mor-  two. The booklets weren’t for us – they
 TEMPLE MOUNT EARTH  tial for a positive, healthy life. One of   Imagine  a battle  between two peo-  tal enemy.      were for our grandchildren.
 A First Temple-era gold bead was dis- the Chassidic movement’s foundations   ple, one strong and the other weak. In   This  is still  a  country  that  when   There are still moments here when
                                          all  probability, the  stronger will  win
     is  joy.  The  question  is,  why?  What
 covered  in  August during sifting of                                          a little  kid is crying  outside  without   we recognize that this is not a country
 earth from the Temple Mount by Bin- makes joy so crucial and central to our   the wrestling match against the weak     an adult in obvious proximity, people   like any other. It is a country that was
     lives in general, and living life as a Jew
 yamin Milt, age 9, from Jerusalem. The  in particular?  However,  one fundamental  com-  scoop him or her up and wait for some-  founded to give sanctuary to a partic-
 bead was in such outstanding condition   The following are a few pointers   ponent plays a significant role in any   one to show.  These past few weeks   ular people that desperately needed it,
 that it was initially dismissed as mod- that serve as motivational  tools with   struggle, wrestle or challenge that we   have evoked once again that Israel that   one that has weathered more in seven
 ern.  But  Temple  Mount  Sifting  Proj-                                       sees itself as a family.              decades than most countries do in cen-
 ect  co-director  Prof. Gabriel  Barkay  regard to maintaining  a happy dispo-  face:  motivation. If one is strong but   I was momentarily confused as we   turies, and that has produced a sort of
                                          lacks motivation or willpower, there is
 took a closer look and dated the bead   1. When a person is happy, he is   a good chance that the weaker oppo-  waited the required 15 minutes after the   familial  resilience that  can’t be repli-
 to the First  Temple  period, based on  not pulled down by any negative cir-  nent will be victorious in the wrestling   shot, as staff members walked around   cated  anywhere  else.  (Daniel  Gordis,
 almost-identical  silver beads manu- cumstances. He sees everything in a   match.   handing  out copies  of little  booklets:   Bloomberg)
 factured using the same “granulation”
                                              So, too,  in  real  life. When  some-
 technique, which Barkay had excavat- more positive light and life becomes   one loses the spirit of life, the joy of
     more manageable.
 ed in Jerusalem in the 1970s.  2. Happy people are usually more   life, he becomes passive and compla-
 The  handmade  bead  is fashioned  tolerant and kind. Sad people, on the   cent  in leading  a positive,  joyful and
 from four layers, each made of tiny  other hand, are often impatient, suffer   more healthy  lifestyle. When sadness
 gold balls that adhere to each other. To
 produce it required the ability to melt  more, and are more prone to experi-  overcomes  us, it  is hard to win the
                                          “wrestling match” and compels one to
     ence depression.
 the metal  at high temperatures,  and   3. From a Kabbalah point of view,   feel deflated and defeated of all posi-
 a high level of skill from the artisan.  joy is a medicine that “sweetens judg-  tivity.  When despair “wins” over joy
 In the past 15 years, through the help
 of some  200,000 paying  volunteers,
 the sifting project has recovered over

              Make someone

 500,000 artifacts,  including 5,000
 coins.  (Amanda  Borschel-Dan,  Times   Make someone
 of Israel)
              feel special

 POLL: MOST ARABS    feel special

              on their b
 AS GREATEST THREAT   on their birthday
 According to the Arab Opinion Index
 (2019-2020),  published  in  October,
              by making a donation
 51%  in  Jordan  and  48%  in  Lebanon
 see Israel as the greatest threat to their   b y making a d onat ion
 country, while only 25% in Egypt, 24%
 in Sudan and 23% in Kuwait agree.
 50%  in  Iraq,  29%  in  Saudi  Ara-                                                                                      SERVING THE JEWISH
 bia and 34% in Kuwait see Iran as the                                                 L’Dor                               COMMUNITY SINCE 1978
 greatest threat.                                                                                                          Charter Members of Temple Sinai
 61% in Algeria see France as the
 greatest threat.                                                                                                          Selling Real Estate
 Overall, the number of those who                                                             V’Dor
 say Israel poses the greatest threat to                                                                                   to Every Generation
 the Arab countries has fallen from 52%
 in 2012-13 to 37% in 2019-20.
 88% of Arabs disapprove of recog-                                                           Selling the “Sarasota Lifestyle”...
 nition of Israel by their home countries.                                                     be it Downtown, Waterfront,
 Saudi Arabia was the country with the
 lowest level of disapproval of recogni-                                                 Golf or other Residential Communities
 tion – 65% – while 6% approved and
 29% did not answer. (Arab Center for                                                                 THE
 Research and Policy Studies - Qatar)                                                           ollier Group
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