Page 32 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 32

32A                         February 2021                                                                          COMMENTARY

     Another election – a referendum on Netanyahu                                                                                                       Some thoughts regarding Israel’s election next month

     with an unpredictable outcome

     By Harold M. Halpern
     I                                    a  government  to  cope  with  Covid-19   recent signing of normalization agree-  possible that  Netanyahu  could  pull
        started writing about Israel about a
                                              Gantz said that the need to have
        year-and-a-half  ago.  I  had  visited
                                                                                ments with the United Arab Emirates,
                                                                                                                      off  another  unexpected  coalition  with
        there with a half dozen colleagues
                                          campaign promise.
                                                                                                                      compatible platforms. Offers of signif-
                                                                                a common front against Iran, promot-
     from the American Association of Ju-  trumped  his obligation  to  keep  his   Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, forging   Yamina and/or New Hope, which have
     rists and Lawyers on a mission to learn   Few people  expected  that  the   ing trade and ending the Arab-League   icant positions in government may be
     about  legal  and political  issues con-  government  would endure  long  and   agreement not to recognize or negoti-  sufficiently enticing to overcome their
     fronting the country. In a week, we   it didn’t. Netanyahu and Gantz failed   ate with Israel.                   animus for Netanyahu.
     met with a host of decision and opin-  to reach an agreement  for a budget     Netanyahu’s opponents  acknowl-       The next government may be dom-
     ion  makers including  Gideon  Saar, a   by December  23, 2020, triggering an   edge his accomplishments.  They will   inated by parties of the right wing. Its
                       former member      automatic  dissolution of the Knesset   attack him for arrogance, corruption,   agenda  includes expanded  settlement
                       of Likud  and  an   with new elections in March 2021, the   refusing  to  step  aside  while  facing  a   and annexation  in the  West Bank as
                       acolyte  of Prime   fourth in two years.                 trial on charges of bribery and breach   well as legislation giving the Knesset
                       Minister Benja-        The   political  landscape  has   of trust, condemning the legal system   the power to override  constitutional
                       min  Netanyahu,    changed.  Covid-19  has  wreaked  hav-  and the judiciary and all who disagree   decisions of the Supreme Court.
                       who      recently  oc on the Israeli economy, destroying   with him, and considering his interests   Both  of these agenda  items are
                       broke with him     businesses and leaving  many unem-    ahead of the country’s. To sum it up,   strongly opposed by the left and center
                       and formed the     ployed. Much of the public is disen-  the  opposition  will  declare  that  Net-  parties. They fear that increased settle-
                       New Hope party.    chanted with uncertain economic help   anyahu divides the country and is mor-  ment will end the future possibility of a
       Harold M. Halpern   At the time of   to ease the financial pain and has lost   ally unfit to continue as prime minister.   two-state solution and that the right of
     our visit, Israel was in the midst of its   confidence in the government’s ability   They blame him and Gantz for the gov-  override will give unchecked power to
     second election. The prior election had   to bring the  virus under control.  For   ernment’s dysfunction.       the Knesset, each of which is perceived
     produced a deadlock. All efforts to put   months there have been daily protests   The most current polls, as I write   as a threat  to democracy  and human
     a coalition together failed. The second   demanding that Netanyahu go.     this column, project  that Likud will   rights.
     election  similarly  failed.  Israel  went   The upcoming election  will be a   remain the largest party in the Knesset   Experience  teaches  that  it  is one
     to a third election on March 2, 2020.   referendum  on Netanyahu. It will be   but will lose a number of seats, and the   thing to advocate an action while sit-
     Finally,  on  May  17,  2020,  Benjamin   light on issues. Netanyahu is opposed   Blue  and  White  party  will  be almost   ting in an opposition party but another
     Netanyahu was sworn into office, end-  by  parties  on  the  right  (New  Hope,   entirely wiped out.            when having the burden of governance.
     ing nearly a year and a half of political   Yamina, Yisrael Beiteinu), by the cen-  If this holds true until the election,   Then there is a recognition that there
     stalemate involving three stormy elec-  ter parties of Yesh Atid and Blue and   Likud,  with  only  the  support  of  the   must be a balancing of the perceived
     tions and multiple rounds of coalition   White, as well as the Joint List of Arab   two religious parties, Shas and United   benefits  of  action  against  potential
     negotiations.                        Israeli  parties  and by the left  parties   Torah, will be short of the 61 member   detriment.  The next government will
        Benny Gantz, leader  of the Blue   (Meretz,  Labor  and  The  Israelis,  the   votes necessary to form a government   pause before it takes action that will be
     and White party, ended the deadlock by   latest  new party  of  Tel  Aviv Mayor   as will the center and left parties.  divisive within the country and/or op-
     breaking his promise not to be part of   Ron Hudai).  The common  theme  of    Similarly, the right-wing parties   posed by the new Arab partners and the
     a government with Benjamin Netanya-  these disparate parties is that Netanya-  that  oppose Netanyahu,  namely  New   United States.
     hu. Half of the members of Gantz’s   hu must go.                           Hope, Yamina  and Yisrael  Beiteinu,      There are many more issues facing
     party  quit  in  protest  and  joined  the     In a nutshell, Netanyahu will extol   will be short of 61 votes.   Israeli society which will be the subject
     opposition as the Yesh Atid party.   his many achievements, including the      This political  divide  on the right   of future columns.
                                                                                may lead to another deadlock.  The        I leave you with one certainty. The
                                                                                public pressure to avoid a fifth election   election will be a referendum on Net-
                                                                                might push the center and left parties,   anyahu with the outcome uncertain.
                                                                                or some combination, to enter a coali-  Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
                                                                                tion with the right-wing parties, with-  residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
                                                                                out Likud, in order to end the reign of   board member of the American Asso-
                                                                                Netanyahu.                            ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
                                                                                    All of this is uncertain. Early polls   and of the West Coast Chapter of the
                                                                                are  not terribly  accurate.  It is also   American Jewish Committee.
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