Page 37 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 37

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                         February 2021                                    37A

     Community partners help Community Day School

     prepare for Hanukkah

              hile Hanukkah is typically   Sholom;  and  “Hanukkits”  from  The   cultures in order to cre-
              a very social and festive oc-  Jewish Federation of Sarasota-     ate  a  safe,  inclusive  en-
     Wcasion,  Covid-19  made  the        Manatee  –  which  provided  supplies   vironment for children to
     traditional  observance  of the holiday   for parents or teachers to teach a lesson   learn, play and grow.
     more  difficult.  Leaders  and  teachers   about the cultural significance of Ha-  Visit communityday.
     at  Hershorin  Schiff  Community  Day   nukkah and the dreidel game, and read   org for more about  the
 Staying connected to your grandkids    School  –  with  the  support  of  several   a PJ Library book about the holiday.   school.
                                              In advance  of Hanukkah, classes
     community partners – planned advance
                                                                                   Hanukkah supplies provided
 during the pandemic  activities as well as in-person and vir-  learned about the holiday and did crafts   by Chabad of Sarasota were
                                                                                   distributed to school families
                                          projects related to it. For example, one
     tual  celebrations during the holiday’s
     eight days in order to enable school   preschool class “traveled the world” to
     families of all faiths to share in the joy   learn about the holidays celebrated in
 and how  to build those bonds  even  and fun of the holiday while keeping   countries  such as Israel, Mexico and
 over the internet. Be with us for an in- everyone safe and distanced.  Italy.
 teresting conversation about the how’s,   Some  of  the  donations  from  the   While  Community  Day  is  a  Jew-
 what’s and why’s of grandparenting at  community  included:  hanukkiyot  for   ish day school, families of all faiths
 its best in 2021!  families  that  didn’t  have  one  from   are welcome and enrolled. The school
 Register  online  at  Chabad of Sarasota; dreidels and gelt   strives to build bridges between dif-
 For more  information  about  this  pro- from the Sisterhood at  Temple Beth   ferent faiths, levels of observance and
 gram or PJ Library, please contact me
 at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@jfedsrq.
                                                                                                    Serving Preschool - Grade 8
                                                                                         Socially distanced classes with low student:teacher ratios
                                                                                           Instruction tailored to each student's individual needs
                                                                                            Extensive outdoor learning and play in every grade
                                                                                                Hebrew and Spanish offered for all students
                                                                                                              Daily fine arts
                                                                                                 Athletics opportunities for all K-8 students
                                                                                                       Medical professional on-site
                                                                                                   Convenient hours for working parents
                                                                                                  Accredited by FCIS, FKC, and Prizmah
                                                                                         Flexible online learning option available for grades Pre K-8

      Hayes Frandsen hugs Menschy, Community                                                      941-552-2770 |
      Day’s mascot, after receiving her hanukkiah  Ian Freeman and Henry Freeman with Menschy
                                                                                              1050 S. Tuttle Avenue | Sarasota, FL 34237


          G     R    A     ND        P    A    R    EN        T    S                  RE A D — S I NG — DA NCE — G AT HE R — GR OW
                                                                                      PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
 Put on your costumes and bring smiles to the residents                               to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality
 of Aviva Senior Living!   PR   O    G     R    A     M                               children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
                                                                                      Jewish life in our community.
                                                                                                   Join one of our PJ programs below
 Join us on   Looking for new ways to connect virtually with                                to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.
                             your grandchildren?
 Sunday, February 21  The PJ Library Grandparents Program                                      Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years

 2:30 pm          helps you connect across the miles via Zoom!

 We will be CDC Compliant, and more details
 will come closer to the event to those who register.
 This is for ALL ages, so come and show off                                                 Sign-up at
 your best Queen Esther or Haman costume!

 Please register for this FREE program at  Tuesday, February 9 at 10:00 am                        Children Ages 8 thru 12 years              REGISTER ONLINE AT


              QUESTIONS?                                                                       Sign-up at
 For more information, contact Jessi Sheslow at  Contact Jessi Sheslow or 941.343.2109.                                                For more information, contact
           at                                                    Jessi Sheslow
               or 941.343.2109                                              

                          PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously                   941.343.2109    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
                          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.                                  funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
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