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                                                                                             The Jewish Federation

                                                                                                OF SARASOTA-MANATEE

                                                                                                 THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON

                                                                                                FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE

 50  Years  February 2021 - Shevat/Adar 5781                                                    Volume 51, Number 2

                      wish Ha
      Jewish Happenings

       All event and program times listed in The Jewish News are EST (Eastern Time Zone) unless otherwise indicated.

              MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1

                    Chabad of Venice Kabbalah Class                                                              Theatre classes for ALL ages!
        Discuss, explore and journey through the world of mystical teaching and
        learn how to apply these profound teachings to your daily life. This ongoing
        Tanya class will probe the esoteric through a unique program of English
        text-based  study. No prior  Kabbalistic  experience  required.  This  free
        class begins at 10:30 a.m. For the Zoom link, visit www.chabadofvenice.
        com/events. For more information, contact Rabbi Sholom Schmerling at
        941.493.2770 or

              TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2
              TUESD      A Y ,   FEBR  U  AR   Y  2

                     The Jewish Women’s Book Club

        Join us for a weekly journey into the soul of Torah, the timeless bestseller,
        as we apply it to our own lives. Led by Rebbetzin Chaya Rivka Schmerling,   Learn more!  | 941.486-8679
        the club meets at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays via Zoom or in the Chabad of
        Venice outdoor tent at 21560 Angela Lane with socially distanced seating.
        Cold drinks and delicious pastries will be served. For the Zoom link, visit  For more  information,  contact  Rabbi                              Curated
        Sholom Schmerling at 941.493.2770 or                                         Connections
                              Clergy Coffee Talk

        Temple Sinai’s weekly discussion is back with Rabbi Samantha  Kahn,                                     Professional Concierge
        Rabbi Geoff Huntting and moderator Chazzan Cliff Abramson. We will                                 {                                           {
        discuss a particular topic each week and you can join in the conversation                               Matchmaking Services
        either by tapping the link to put you on screen, by asking questions via chat
        or by texting Chazzan Abramson. Special guest speakers plus our clergy     Matchmaking for Young
        will weigh in on the topic of the day. Join with Facebook Live at 1:30 p.m.   Jewish Singles, 21-35, on
        For more information, visit                        Florida’s West Coast

                   “Jewish Heroines of the Holocaust”
                                                                                                                 Shana Tibi
        Gisella Perl was a Romanian Jewish gynecologist deported to Auschwitz                                    Shana Tibi
        concentration  camp in 1944, where she helped hundreds of women                   Sarasota’s Jewish & Professionally
        as inmate  gynecologist.  Josef Mengele  gave  her  the  task  to  work as a                   Certified Matchmaker
        gynecologist within the women’s camp, attending to inmates without bare                           (1)888-857-3883
        necessities such as antiseptics, clean wipes or running water. On March
        12, 1948, President Truman signed a bill allowing Perl to stay in the U.S.  |
        Perl died in Israel in 1988. This class, presented by the Al Katz Center,
        begins at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all
        classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman     Virtual Season...Two Great FREE Series!
        at 941.313.9239.

                           “Cremation or Burial”                                      SARASOTA INSTITUTE OF LIFETIME LEARNING
        Join bestselling author and internationally  renowned speaker Doron
        Hornbluth on Zoom at 7:30 p.m. for a Jewish perspective on “Cremation
        or Burial.” Subjects covered will include funeral homes, cemeteries and
        crematoria, reasons for people’s decisions in burial and cremation, how                                            Global Issues
        to talk about this subject and your role in your relatives’ decisions. This
        free Chabad of Bradenton event is sponsored by Robert Toale and Sons.                                           & Music Mondays
        Register at for the Zoom link. For                                            SILL celebrates 50 Years
        more information, call the Chabad office at 941.752.3030 or email info@                                          with FREE online series                                                                                          - our gift to the Community

                                                                                        JANUARY 4 to MARCH 30             for 50 years of support
      Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up                                                         For series schedule

      for our community Enewsletter at                                           and to sign up to view the programs visit:
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