Page 10 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 10

10A                          June/July 2021                                                               FEDERATION NEWS

        Where your dollars go

        The Jewish Federation and Operation Lifeshield:

        Working together to save Israeli lives

        By Gayle Guynup
        This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by   shelter delivery, adults and children at   State of Israel was established, and vul-
        The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-  the bus stop dived into a ditch behind   nerable Israeli communities have been
        rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous   the bus stop or even tried to climb into   continually  attacked  and traumatized
        dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living   a large dirty pipe nearby to save their   to this day. With terrorist organizations
        in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that   lives,” she said.            committed  to our destruction at both
        support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.  “Thanks to your generous dona-  our Northern and Southern fronts, di-
            Your generous support is found in our tenet of Tikkun Olam – repairing the   tions,  the  bus stop now has an  Op-  saster can strike at any moment. We are
        world!                                                                      eration  Lifeshield  protective  shelter   working hard to ensure that all Israelis
                t Kfar Maimon, a small Jew-   village established in 1959, which now   stationed  right  beside  it,”  she  said.   in highly targeted areas will be able to
                ish community  in southern    has a population of 380 people.       “Needless  to  say, the  Kfar Maimon   reach safety whenever necessary.”
        AIsrael  (about  five  miles  from        “In 2018, explosive and incendi-  community  is  incredibly  grateful.”    She notes that the most rewarding
        the Gaza border), a new bomb shelter   ary kites and balloons started  being   Bob and Esther Heller have generously   thing  and the  most challenging  thing
        – jointly underwritten by The Jewish   launched from the Gaza Strip into    made a lead gift to the Bob & Esther   about her work  with Operation Life-
        Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and    Southern Israel, in addition to the pro-  Heller Israel Center and are the name-  shield are the same: feeling connected
        the Birmingham Jewish Federation – is   jectiles,  repeatedly  setting  fields  and   sakes of the Heller Community Rela-  to Israeli communities  that are con-
        saving lives every day.               neighborhoods ablaze,” Tresgallo said,   tions Committee. Bob said, “As Jews,   stantly  under threat  of enemy rocket
            The  shelter  was provided  by Op-  with children and adults alike suffering
        eration  Lifeshield,  an emergency    from ongoing traumas.
        campaign to save lives in Israel by pro-  “Kfar Maimon families only have
        viding  transportable,  above-ground,   a 15-second warning to drop what
        easily  accessible,  protective  bomb   they’re doing, grab their kids and run
        shelters to Israeli communities threat-  to  the  nearest  bomb  shelter,”  she  ex-
        ened by enemy rocket attacks.         plained.  “You  can  be  at  school,  at
            Howard  Tevlowitz,  CEO  of The   work, driving your car, out for a run,
        Jewish Federation  of Sarasota-Mana-  buying groceries or at a school soccer
        tee, said, “There is nothing more im-  game, and suddenly your proximity to
        portant than saving lives and that’s   a shelter can become the difference be-
        what this is all about. We are working   tween life and death. The children in
        in a part  of Israel  where the attacks   Kfar Maimon  sadly  have  spent  their   Bomb shelter at bus stop in Kfar Maimon  The shelter is underwritten by two Federations Sheldon Gensler,
        come out of Gaza, and residents have   entire lives living in this crazy situ-  it is our duty to protect Israel. I am so   attacks and raising awareness of what
                                                                                                                             “As part  of our projects,  we fre-Federation’s first President
        only mere seconds to respond. This is   ation  where they  know that  terrorist   proud that  the Federation  does such   they are going through.
        the heart and core of what we do.”    rockets can rain down on them at any   good work in helping our beloved State
            According  to Avigail  Tresgallo,   time. They are constantly looking for   of Israel, home to the Jewish people.”  quently visit and create  connections  Staff Report
        public  relations specialist  for Opera-  the closest shelter everywhere they go,   The Gaza Belt region, where Kfar   and friendships with the people in the   e  offer  our  condolences
        tion Lifeshield, “Over the past decade,   just to feel safe.”               Maimon is situated, has unfortunately   communities  we work with, and see       to the family  of Sheldon
        Hamas and other terrorist groups in the   The  shelter  that  The  Jewish Fed-  become the “punching bag” of multi-  the  strength, resilience  and beauty  of  WGensler, who passed away
        Gaza Strip have terrorized civilian ar-  eration  of Sarasota-Manatee  co-spon-  ple terrorist groups in Gaza, which are   the people and the cities in two of the  on April 22, 2021. Sheldon, who was
        eas in Southern Israel with more than   sored was on Operation Lifeshield’s   committed to Israel’s destruction. Ac-  greenest and (normally)  most peace- 101 years old, was the first president of
        18,000 rocket and mortar attacks.”    top-priority  list.  This  particular  bus   cording to Tresgallo, the rocket attacks   ful regions of Israel: the North and the  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
            “Operation Lifeshield is a human-  stop in Kfar Maimon is heavily used,   are unpredictable. A few months can go   South.                       Manatee in 1971-1973.
        itarian,  nonprofit  organization  found-  serving both as a public bus stop and a   by without any rocket attacks, and sud-  “Even though I live in Jerusalem,   Sheldon helped lay the cornerstone
        ed by a small group of American and   school bus stop. Prior to this shelter do-  denly hundreds of rockets can be fired at   I am glued to my phone and my Red  for today’s Federation. As written by
        Israeli  friends,”  explained  Tresgallo.   nation, anyone waiting at the bus stop   this region within a single day. There’s   Alert rocket siren apps the entire time  Sandy Chase in a Jewish News
        “Its  shelters  are  constructed  in  Israel   was vulnerable to rocket attacks.   been an average of about 1,150 rocket   these communities are under rocket  article  in April 2019 about the
        by leading manufacturers of steel-rein-   “Imagine,”  Tresgallo  said,  “the   attacks per year over the past 10 years.     attack, because it is my job to report  Federation’s 60  Anniversary
        forced, pre-cast concrete products, and   anxiety  of waiting  10-15 minutes for   “We  want  to  provide  as  many  of  the   updates  on social  media  in real  time.  Celebration,  his milestones  in-
        deployed  quickly.  Our shelters  meet   your bus, knowing all too well that a   urgently  needed  shelters  as  possible   There have been times when I’ve re- cluded:
        the strictest requirements of the IDF   rocket could come your way at any   before the next barrage hits. With con-  ported on rocket attacks that came     Raising money for UJA and
        Home Front Command,” she added.       time, and you’d have nowhere to run.   tinuous threats and attacks from Hamas   in nonstop for 48-72 hours. I am ful- ‹  Israel bonds (he was recog-
            Kfar Maimon is an agricultural     In the event of rocket sirens prior to this   terrorists in the south and Hezbollah   ly aware that the fear, frustration and   nized with the Israel Shalom
                                                                                    terrorists in the north, war is unfortu-
                                                                                                                          indignation I feel for my fellow Jews
                      JEWISH                                                        nately always on the horizon in Israel,”   during these attacks is barely a fraction  ‹   Helping cement an effective

                                                                                                                                                               Award in 1975)

                                                                                                                          of the intense emotions the locals are
                                                                                    she said.
                                                                                                                                                               working relationship  with
                                                                                       Since its founding in 2006, Oper-
                                                                                                                          going through every single time.
                                                                                                                                                               non-Jewish lay and reli-
                   EVENTS!                                                          ation Lifeshield has placed about 400   many  of the  ongoing terrorist attacks  ‹   Working tirelessly  to dis-
                                                                                                                             “It’s very frustrating  to me that
                                                                                                                                                               gious leaders
                                                                                    protective  shelters throughout Israel.
                                                                                                                          on these Israeli communities  don’t
                                                                                    To pay for the shelters, Operation
                                                                                    Lifeshield  reaches  out  to  American
                                                                                                                          make it into international  news. Be-
                                                                                                                                                               like penalizing Jewish pub-
                                                                                                                          cause these attacks are so frequent and
                                                                                    Jewish and Christian Zionist commu-
                                                                                                                                                               lic-school students for being
                                                                                                                                                               absent during the Jewish
                                                                                   nities, and looks for grant opportunities   common, they have lost their shock  ‹   Working with the Sarasota Coun-
                                                                                                                          factor and have therefore lost the at-
                                                                                    with  Federations and  organizations.
                                                                                    “All of our volunteers and board
                                                                                                                          tention of most reporters and readers.
                                                                                                                          The world needs to know what is really
                                                                                    members  (other  than  our executive
                                                                                                                                                               teacher  guidelines  endorsed by
                PA R T I C I PA T I O N  N E T WO R K         LEARN                 director)  live  in  the  United States   happening here. And these Israeli fam-  ty School Board to adopt a set of
                                                                                    and are constantly raising aware-
                                                                                                                          ilies need to know that their cries are
                PARTICIPATION            N E T WO R K         LE A R N              ness about  Operation  Lifeshield  at   being heard.”                      Federation’s Community Relations
                                                                                    events, club meetings,  religious  insti-  Thankfully, The Jewish Federation   Committee
                                                                                    tutions  and  through  fundraising  with-  of Sarasota-Manatee heard their cries.
                                                                                    in their communities,” Tresgallo said.   As  Tresgallo  points  out,  “Thanks  to
                                                                                    As for the future, “We will continue to   the generosity of your community, the    FED
                EN J O Y M EN T      ENGAGEMENT            BELONGING                stand by the people of Israel and pro-  shelter  now stands next  to the  previ-
                EN J O Y M EN T      E NG A GE M E NT      BELONGING                vide  lifesaving  protection  as  long  as   ously unprotected, vulnerable bus stop,   we are
                                                        the continuous threat of rocket attacks   bringing safety and peace of mind to                    JFEDSRQ.ORG
                                                                                    exists. Unfortunately, these attacks and
                                                                                                                          Kfar Maimon residents, employees
                                                                                    threats have existed since the modern
                                                                                                                          and visitors on a daily basis.”
                                                                                                                                                                         Educating Jewish Minds Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts
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