Page 12 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
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12A                          June/July 2021                                                               FEDERATION NEWS

        Finding my place                                                               2021 MoMENtum Trip to Israel

        By Gary Kurnov, 2019 MoMENtum Trip to Israel Participant                                        October 18-24

              he  first  time  I  heard  about  the   friend of ours was planning to go and                                                                        eat the heat in person with the
              Momentum father’s trip to Is-   needed a roommate. What’s the harm         Applications Opening Soon!                                                entire Federation community at
        Trael was through my wife Lau-        in attending an introductory meeting, I                                                                       Bour two summer Havdalah cel-

        ren,  who participated  in  a  mother’s   figured. So I went. I must admit, that   he MoMENtum Men’s Trip is a    Jewish community  or Jewish ritual  ebrations! Havdalah can be a magical
        trip, sponsored by  The  Jewish  Fed-  first  meeting  was  a  bit  intimidating.   boot camp for living awesome   observance. Participants  must have  experience for so many reasons. Bring-
        eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee. After   At the time, I was not well connected  Tlives that are guided by Jewish    children at home age 18 or younger  ing Shabbat to a close while welcom-
        she returned from the trip, Lauren felt   within the Sarasota Jewish community   values. Men enjoy empowering class-  OR be the parenting partner of a recent  ing the new week can be the transition
        a renewed connection  to her Jewish   and didn’t know a lot of Jewish guys in   es led by world-class Jewish educators   Momentum alumna. For 2021 ONLY,  we need the most in our modern world.
        heritage  and enhanced  commitment    town. The meeting was full of doctors   and Israeli  thought-leaders; explore   the age limit for the youngest child is  The spiritual “pause” button that Shab-
        to Jewish values and traditions for our   and surgeons. Who were these guys? I   spiritual  Tzfat  and Masada’s desert   21.                        bat  offers  us  helps  create  a  more  de-
        family. We began regularly observing   don’t have a single person with a medi-  magic;  enjoy Shabbat in Jerusalem   Participants  must  be  physically  fined intention for the week ahead as
        Shabbat and having dinner together as   cal degree in my entire family. Was this   with local families; and discover how   and emotionally healthy.  we stand together for Havdalah.
        a family. It was Lauren’s first trip to Is-  for me?                        to  connect  more  deeply  with  them-   For more information  about the
        rael. She felt inspired, and it had a pos-  Turns out it was the right decision   selves, their families and their commu-  2021 MoMENtum Men’s Trip to Isra-
        itive impact on our family.           after all. As we started preparations for   nities.                         el, please contact Gisele Pintchuck at
            Even still, I didn’t feel it was for   the trip, I gradually  began to get ac-  This trip is designed for people   941.706.0029 or gpintchuck@jfedsrq.
        me. I had already done a similar trip,   quainted with the other men on the trip.   who are not highly engaged in the     org.                            ach  spring,  The  Jewish  Fed-
        sponsored by Birthright, in 2000 when     They  weren’t  all  that  different  from                                                                       eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee
                                                             me. They were fathers   with the guys in casual situations that   identity persisted even after immigrat-Eassembles a committee of ded-
                                                             with kids of varying   were not part of the itinerary.       ing to the U.S. in 1990. We lived in a  icated  volunteers to  do their favorite
                                                             ages, and most had        On the first night in Tel Aviv, after   small town in New Jersey where I was  thing – give away money. Committee
                                                             lived  in  Sarasota  for   a tasty sushi dinner at Nini Hachi with   typically the only Jewish kid in class.  members  Lori  Greenbaum,  Rebec-
                                                             a long time. Many of   another guy from the trip, we hopped   I was also the only Russian kid. Was I  ca  Schwartz  Bergman,  Howard  Ban-
                                                             their wives had partic-  on two of the ubiquitous electric scoot-  Russian or was I Jewish, or both? Five  ner and Andrew Rosin are passionate
                                                             ipated in the same Is-  ers and zipped down the seaside prom-  years later we were granted U.S. citi-about enabling our community’s youth
                                                             rael trip with my wife.   enade in the cool night air to the central   zenship. Now I was American, right?  to enjoy and grow  in an immersive
                                                             We were all there for   part of the city. There we met up with   You can see how identity can get con-Jewish summer experience. This year
                                                             the same reason. The   another group of guys from Sarasota   fusing. Fast forward to the Momentum  they have facilitated  memorable and
                                                             trip was meant to help   who  were  finishing  up  dinner  at Ab-  trip in Israel where we had the oppor-formative Jewish  overnight camping
                                                             us focus on what’s tru-  raxas Bar. The city buzzes with ener-  tunity  to  contemplate  our  Jewishness  experiences  for 47

              Gary Kurnov, Michael Gordon and Jeremy Schwimmer    ly important as fathers   gy and excitement. It is hard to believe   in the context  of our family, without  campers attending 16
                enjoying their MoMENtum experience in Tel Aviv  and  as  Jewish men:   the thin strip of land north of Jaffa had   any family around. It was a rare op-different  camps  with
        I was a sophomore in college. My re-   family, identity and purpose. But who   been desert a mere 100 years ago, but   portunity  to  reflect.  Through  a  series  an average schol-
        collections  of that  trip  were general-  says you can’t have fun while connect-  has somehow emerged as the metro-  of lectures centered around our roles as  arship of $1,570
        ly positive, but I do remember being   ing with your roots? Although the trip   politan  center  of Israeli  life.  Later  in   fathers, husbands and Jewish men, the  per camper, awarding
        herded  around in  big  groups, hav-  was structured around sightseeing and   the trip, when we arrived in Jerusalem,   trip helped us focus above all on being  nearly $74,000 in all.
        ing to get on and off buses and being   lectures planned by Momentum, there   our entire Sarasota group went out for   present, for ourselves and for the ones   While  some of
        surrounded by a lot of people I didn’t   was ample free time to experience Is-  an  evening  at  “The  Shuk,”  a  narrow,   we love.                our families  require
        know.  Why  go  through  it  all  again?   rael as Israelis do. Some of my favorite   bustling food market filled with Israe-  It should be easy, but living in the  large scholarships in
        Then Lauren  mentioned  that a close   memories from the trip are hanging out   lis from all walks of life. As we relaxed   moment is becoming increasingly dif-order to make attend-
                Dermatology by Newman                                               at a bar with our drinks and took in the   ficult in our distracted, busy lives. We  ing camp possible, the

             Dermatology by Newman                                                  vibrant scene, I was overwhelmed with   have jobs, families, and kids to schlep  Federation also offers
                                                                                    the feeling that this was not just a fun
                                                                                                                          to extracurricular  activities.  But the  Incentive  Grants of
                                                                                    night out in a foreign city. This was my   biggest  roadblock  to being  present  is  $500 to campers who
                                                                                    place, it was our place, we belong here.  sitting right there, warming our pock-may  not  require  fi-
              For clear, healthy skin, visit Dr. Joshua Newman at AMARA,               Growing up I had a hard time fig-  et all day, every day: our phone. When  nancial aid for camp.
               an affiliate aesthetic surgery and dermatology practice of
            For clear, healthy skin, visit Dr. Joshua Newman at AMARA,              uring out where I belonged. I was born   our trip leader pointed this out to us,  Of these,  we would
           For clear, healthy skin, visit Dr. Joshua Newman at AMARA,               in Moscow, Russia, in the early 1980s   it was a shock. On Shabbat in Jerusa-like  to recognize  the
              Center For Sight. Patients who visit AMARA will receive the
              an affiliate aesthetic surgery and dermatology practice of
            an affiliate aesthetic surgery and dermatology practice of
               world-class service for which Center For Sight is known,
            Center For Sight. Patients who visit AMARA will receive the             as the country was slowly emerging    lem, we were asked to turn off and put  Collier,   Rosenthal,
           Center For Sight. Patients who visit AMARA will receive the              from communism. However, being        away our phones from sundown on Fri-Rosenberg, Rosin and
                              in a serene, modern setting.
              world-class service for which Center For Sight is known,
             world-class service for which Center For Sight is known,               Jewish  in  Russia  meant  you  were  a   day night to sunset the following day.  Sakellarios  families,
                             in a serene, modern setting.

                 Receive expert diagnosis and treatment for:                        minority. It was stamped on your pass-  Retiring  my  phone  for  24  hours  was  who donated  a por-
                             in a serene, modern setting.
                Receive expert diagnosis and treatment for:                         port and the authorities knew who you
                     Skin Cancer  •  Skin Growths  •  Skin Disease

               Receive expert diagnosis and treatment for:                          were. Although Moscow was a cosmo-    excruciating, like parting with a limb,  tion of their grants back to the Feder-
                   Skin Cancer  •  Skin Growths  •  Skin Disease
                              Mohs Micrographic Surgery
                                                                                                                          but it was also strangely freeing. When  ation so the funds could be reallocated
                            Mohs Micrographic Surgery
                    Skin Cancer  •  Skin Growths  •  Skin Disease                   politan city compared to other parts of   you’re not constantly trying to fill the  to families  with greater  need.  Thank
                             Mohs Micrographic Surgery                              Russia, there were limitations on Jews   empty space in your life, you start to  you for your generosity.
                                    Joshua M. Newman, M.D.                          wherever you looked. One prominent    reflect.                             The grant recipients  range in age
                                    Medical/Surgical Dermatologist                  example  was quotas in top academic      As I approached the most power-from seven to 18 and attend Reform,
                                   Joshua M. Newman, M.D.                           departments. There was a limit to how   ful and enduring symbol of our people,
                                    Named “Top Doctor” by
                                   Medical/Surgical Dermatologist                   many Jews could matriculate. It was a   The Kotel, I felt a cool draft emanating
                                    Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd.
                                   Named “Top Doctor” by                            huge blow to my dad who had ambi-     from its ancient stones, drawing me
                                    Voted “Best Dermatologist” by
                                   Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd.                    tions of pursuing a doctorate degree.   closer. When I pressed my hand to that
                                    readers of the Sarasota Herald Tribune
                                   Voted “Best Dermatologist” by                    Worse yet, we couldn’t tell anyone we   solemn stone, tears welled in my eyes
                                   readers of the Sarasota Herald Tribune           were  Jewish for fear  of persecution.   and at that moment I knew who I was
                                                                                    Privately we were proud of our Jewish   and why I was here. I am a proud Jew-
                                                                                    heritage,  but publicly  we had to hide   ish man, and we were a band of Jewish
                                                                                    who we were from friends and neigh-   brothers reconnecting  with our roots
                 •  941.263.4799                               bors.                                 and bringing Jewish values back to our
                                                                                       Ambivalence  toward my Jewish      community.
                •  941.263.4799
                                     MOV                                          I      N             G            ?

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