Page 17 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 17

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                                April 2021                               17A

 Dayenu – It would have been enough  Generous Sarasota-based family dedicates

     new ambulance for Magen David Adom of Israel

 gramming  based  on the  community’s
 ongoing and evolving needs.  n February, Milton Richter donated   In his virtual address, Mr. Richter   Red Crescent  Societies.  A leader  in   safety tests and distributes nearly all
 Our  connection to Israel re-  $130,000 to sponsor a Magen Da-  took a cue from former American Pres-  mass-casualty  response and in EMS   the  blood to  Israel’s hospitals;  and,
 mained strong through advocacy and Ivid Adom  life-support ambulance   ident  John F. Kennedy, saying, “Ask   technology, Magen David Adom treats   through  its  affiliation  with  the  Red
 support - DAYENU!  in Israel.  These ambulances are the   not what Israel could do for you; ask   and transports nearly one million peo-  Cross movement, responds to disasters
 The Federation is committed to  workhorses  of  the  MDA  fleet,  safely   what I could do for others. I saw what   ple to hospitals every year; collects,   around the world.
 keeping our ties to Israel healthy and  transporting paramedics and life-sav-  was needed and I am fortunate to be
 strong. From our work on college  ing equipment to treat injured civilians,   able to provide it.”
 campuses to combat the Boycott, Di-rocket  attack  victims,   Israel has been a glob-
 vestment and Sanctions (BDS) move-deliver  newborn babies   al leader in containing the
 ment,  to  grants  to  Israeli  non-profits  and so much more.  Coronavirus. As of Febru-
 that work with women and children, to   The dedication was   ary 1, MDA enabled Israel
 programming highlighting the best of  held  virtually  in  Sara-  to become the first country
 Israeli innovation, our hearts belong  sota,  with  other  par-  in the world to guarantee
 with the Jewish state.  ticipants  joining from     Coronavirus vaccine to all
 This year, as we once again cele-New Jersey and New   of its nursing home resi-
 brate Passover virtually, we are grate-York. The generous gift   dents.
 ful for all the generous people who help  was organized by Mr.   Magen  David  Adom
 our community rejoice in DAYENU!  Richter’s niece,  Mar-  is  Israel’s national  EMS,
 Please consider a gift to the Fed-lene  Penn, who helped   blood-services  and  disas-
 eration’s  Annual 2021 Campaign to  arrange  the  virtual  cer-  Milton Richter  ter-relief organization, and
 continue being there for our Jewish  emony along with extended family   Israel’s representative  to  the  Interna-
 community. Visit or  members in New Jersey.   tional  Federation of Red Cross and
 contact Ilene Fox, Senior Philanthropic                                          Milton Richter was at home in Sarasota and made his remarks via Zoom while the family gathered
 Officer, at 941.343.2111 or ifox@jfed  How can we sing                            in New Jersey for this photo: Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan, Michael DeMeo, Arthur Penn, Emily Penn,
                                                                                                 Marlene Penn, Nathan Penn, Jordan DeMeo (toddler) to learn more.
     during Covid-19?

        n early March 2020, the Saraso-   vaccine allowing us to safely and joy-
        ta Jewish  Chorale board became   fully resume rehearsals. We will none-
     Ipainfully aware of the encroaching   theless acquire  special  singing masks
     Covid-19 pandemic. Because the act of   and will still arrange our rehearsal area
     singing is something  that  can spread   allowing for safe spacing.
     the virus, and because it is impossible   Our goal is to prepare a Chanu-
     to social distance the amount of peo-  kah program for December 2021 and
     ple in our choir, we canceled rehearsals   present our annual and only fundrais-
     and our planned March concert so that   ing concert to the Sarasota-Bradenton                                                                     Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
     all of us, and you, our audience mem-  community in March 2022. “Wouldn’t
     bers, would be safe. A year has passed   It Be Loverly?” to hear Songs of Peace
     since we made that decision. This pan-  and Joy after all that our nation, friends
     demic  has  been  a  long  and  difficult   and loved ones have suffered during the
     time for everyone. So, how and when   past year? We hope to assist in healing
     do we begin to sing again?           our Jewish community.                             This Passover, help us
        The Sarasota Jewish Chorale board     We are always seeking new mem-
     and members are cautiously optimistic   bers. If you are interested in joining us,   make it possible to celebrate
     that by September 2021, enough of our   please  contact  our president,  Ronnie
                                                                                        another kind of freedom.
     singers will have received  the Covid   Riceberg, at 508.942.1479.               Freedom from a pandemic.

             we are  FED                                                             As the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage around the world, there’s

                                                                                     reason for hope. And no country has offered more hope for what life might
                                                                                     be like again than Israel, which has led the world in immunizing its people.

                                                                                     a major role in this success. MDA has treated tens of thousands of stricken
                       Enriching Jewish Hearts                                       Magen David Adom, Israel’s paramedic and Red Cross service, has played
                                                                                     Israelis, administered Covid tests to more than 4 million, and vaccinated
                                                                                     Israel’s most vulnerable populations, including all its nursing home residents.
                                                                                     When you support Magen David Adom,
                                                                                     your gift has an immediate impact in
                                                                                     helping Israelis — today and every day.
                                                                                     Make a gift today. Pesach kasher v’sameach.

                                                                                     STAY CONNECTED                        STAY CONNECTED
          our Federation strives to enrich Jewish hearts in our Sarasota-Manatee community —
        Yfrom life-changing trips to Israel for teens, community leaders, mothers and fathers,
       to opportunities for youth to develop their leadership skills with our Shapiro Teen
       Engagement Program (STEP), to being an integral voice for Jewish young adults on
       local campuses with Gulf Coast Hillel and to providing a connection to the larger Jewish
       community with our weekly eblast newsletters, monthly Jewish News, and yearly Shalom
       SRQ magazine.                                                                                                                     

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