Page 18 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 18

18A                         April 2021                                                                 COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Purim at Aviva                                                             PJ Purim Parade brings  Sarasota/Manatee Annual Yom HaShoah

                                          Airheads and Nerds, loudly  Snick-
            t Aviva Senior Living,  Com-  ers. Of course, Esther and Ahashuerus  joy to Aviva campus                                                    Community Service and Commemoration
            munity Chaplain Rabbi Jona-
     Athan R. Katz shared the story       had many Sugar Babies, with the first   This program is sponsored by                                          This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
     of Esther in unusual fashion. He sug-  named Baby Ruth.                    The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
     gested that since Shushan was known      “I loved hearing  all  the groans
     as the “Capital  of Sweet” in ancient   from the residents,” said the rabbi, who   esidents at Aviva Senior Living   “Children learn so much from grand-
     times due to the large number of con-  billed himself as a certified member of    were treated to a Purim Parade,   parents,  and  grandparents  feel  youth-
     fectioners found in the city, it was only   the GOATPP (Greatest of  All-Time   Rcourtesy of PJ Library, a pro-  ful around children. During times like
     natural that the Megillah had been told   Purim Punsters) Hall of Shame. “They   gram  of  The Jewish Federation  of   these when isolation is necessary, we
     through the means of candy.          really made my day.”                  Sarasota-Manatee.                     do all we can to bring smiles to faces,
        During the reading, for ex-                                                 PJ Library is a program designed   young and old, while instilling the im-
     ample, when King Ahashuerus,                                               for  children,  between  the  ages  of  six   portance of community service. We are
     identified as a real Goober, holds                                         months and eight years, and their fam-  thrilled it can be done in a safe way,”
     a banquet  featuring  extensive                                            ilies. This free program introduces the   Sheslow said.
     drinking, Rabbi Katz began shar-                                           children  to books and activities  that     Residents  certainly  enjoyed the
     ing  Twizzlers  because  they’re                                           enhance their Jewish journeys.        occasion, including Merlyn Steinhart,
     liquor-rich. After Esther informs                                              On Sunday, February 21, families   who has lived at Aviva for five years.
     the King she is a member of                                                gathered  outdoors on the Aviva  cam-  Her grandson, his wife and their child
     the Hebrew faith, the rabbi re-                                            pus. The car parade started at the An-  – whom she hadn’t  seen  in  about  a
     sponds, “JuJuBe”?  Informed                                                chin Benderson building and wove its   year because of the pandemic – came
     that the King intends to hon-                                                                                    down for the parade  and to celebrate
     or Mordechai  and not himself,                                                                                   Merlyn’s birthday. “Purim is a joyous
     Haman,  whose henchmen  are      Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz shared the story of Esther                               occasion and we really enjoyed being
                                                 using lots of candy                                                  together,” Merlyn said, adding that she
                                                                                                                      appreciates everything Aviva has done  By Gail Glickman
                                                                                                                      for residents  during the  pandemic.
                                                                                                                      “They really  have looked after us, in   emple  Sinai  has  had  a  history
                                                                                                                                                              of tzedakah, concern and giving
                                                                                                                      every way,” she said.             Tback to the community.  This
                                                                                 Cars drove past residents watching the parade                          year, Covid-19 has impacted the abil-
                                                                                way throughout the campus, with resi-                                   ity to continue with one of our major
                                                                                dents safely seated (socially distanced,
                                                                                of course) outdoors, enjoying the show.                                 projects, collecting food for the hungry
                                                                                                                                                        in the Sarasota-Manatee area.
                                                                                    “Purim is always a wonderful cele-                                      There is so much need for food in
                                                                                bration, and we were delighted to work                                  the community. Before the pandemic,
                                                                                with our friends at The Jewish Federa-                                  barrels for weekly food collection were
                                                                                tion of Sarasota-Manatee to bring this    Aviva resident Merlyn Steinhart (right)
                                                                                parade to our campus,” said Jay Solo-    and her family watched the Purim parade  left in the Temple Sinai lobby and those
                                                                                                                                                        attending services brought non-perish-
      Katie Scott, Supportive Services Coordinator,                             mon, Aviva President and CEO. “It is      Purim is often called the Jewish  able items every week. Since March
      and Pam Baron, Director of Aging Services at                              important for our residents to have an   Mardi Gras because of its carnival-like
      JFCS of the Suncoast, organized and helped                                                                                                        2020 until recently, no one has been
      deliver many Purim meals for isolated seniors   Aviva-Benderson resident Janine Lew enjoyed   opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy   celebrations, street parties, parades and  allowed in the sanctuary and we have
         and Holocaust survivors in our area  wearing a crown and using her grogger  a beautiful Florida day, especially after   dressing up in costumes. It is a Jewish
                                                                                the isolation that has been such a part   holiday commemorating the saving of
                                                                                of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was nice   the Jewish people from Haman, a Per-
                  SCHOOL ENDS, HUNGER BEGINS.                                   to see the smiles on all their faces,” he   sian Empire official who was planning
                                                                                said.                                 on killing all of the Jews, as recounted
                    Due to COVID-19, even more children in our                      “Intergenerational programming is   in the Book of Esther.
                     community are at risk of summer hunger.                    an important  part of what PJ  Library    Contact Jessi Sheslow at jsheslow@
                      You can help us keep them full until fall.                does,” said Jessi Sheslow, Federation’s or 941.343.2109 for more

                           ALLFAITHSFOODBANK.ORG                                Teen & Family  Programs Manager.      information about PJ Library.

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