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2B                         November 2020                                                           JEWISH HAPPENINGS

             TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3                                                      WEDNESD          A Y ,   NO VEMBER         4

                                                                                      WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4
                                 Torah & Tea                                                         People of the Book Event
        Join Chanie Bukiet either on Zoom or in person outdoors in the Chabad                          With Jason Rosenthal
        Tent (5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton) for a weekly dose of Torah spiced      Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        with lessons on the “Weekly Torah Portion” and roundtable discussions.      On March 3, 2017, beloved children’s book author Amy Krouse Rosenthal
        This  free  event takes  place from 11:00  a.m.  to  noon on  Tuesdays,     published an extraordinary essay in The New York Times’ Modern Love
        November 3, 10, 17 and 24. For more information and the Zoom link, call     column entitled  “You May  Want to Marry My Husband.” Coming out
        941.752.3030 or email                           a mere 10 days before Amy’s death from ovarian cancer, the piece – a
            “Getting More Out of the Friday Night Service”                          creative and heartbreaking play on a personal ad – encouraged her husband
                                                                                    Jason to find happiness after she died. In his memoir, My Wife Said You
        This  Temple  Sinai  class  with  Chazzan  Cliff Abramson  reviews  prayer   May Want to Marry Me, Jason details  their  remarkable love story, its
        book liturgy so that everyone can get more out of the Friday evening Erev   painful end and what happened after. The end result is a tender rumination
        Shabbat service (on Zoom). This free class will continue every Tuesday      on  finding  yourself  in  the  wake  of  tremendous  loss,  and  discovering
        at 11:00 a.m. For more information, call 941.924.1802 or email office@      ways to look toward a brighter future. Rosenthal is the New York Times For the Zoom link, visit        bestselling author of Dear Boy, co-written with his daughter Paris. Tickets
                                                                                    to this 7:00 p.m. event on Zoom are $10 per household. For admission to
                     Be a Guest on Clergy Coffee Talk                               this and all other People of the Book events, please visit

        Temple  Sinai’s  Rabbi  Samantha  Kahn,  Chazzan  Cliff  Abramson  and      For more information, contact Jeremy Lisitza at or
        Rabbi Geoff Huntting would love to hear from you. We know you have a        941.343.2113.
        lot on your mind. Join the free Zoom link by 1:30 p.m. You will be invited
        into the show’s waiting room and then put online to ask a question, give                JLI Course: “Secrets of the Bible”
        an opinion or just to say hello. We look forward to hearing from you on     Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz will lead a new six-week Jewish Learning Institute
        Zoom. For more information, call 941.924.1802 or email office@sinaisrq.     (JLI) course titled “Secrets of the Bible: Iconic Stories, Mystical Meanings
        org. For the Zoom link, visit                 and Their Lessons for Life.” Revisit six seemingly absurd stories you’ll
                                                                                    likely remember from Hebrew school, and uncover their hidden themes
                   Pirkei Avot – Chapters of the Sages                              with eye-opening insights. This course is offered on six Wednesdays from
        Every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m., join Temple Sinai and Reb Ari Shapiro as he     10:15 a.m. to noon at Chabad of Sarasota (7700 Beneva Road) with social-
        offers an informative, free course on the ethical and moral principles guid-  ly distant seating and masks. An opportunity to join virtually with a Zoom
        ing the Jewish way of life as handed down by the sages. It is a guidebook   link is available as well. All are welcome regardless of background or af-
        for living facilitated by Reb Shapiro on Zoom. For more information and     filiation. The cost for the course is $79 per person or $149 per couple. For
        the Zoom link, contact Reb Shapiro at                   more information and to register, call the Chabad office at 941.925.0770 or

      Read the current and previous                                                 Are you looking for a great lunch date? Grab a bite to eat, log into Zoom,
                                                                                          Temple Emanu-El “Lunch with the Rabbis”

          editions of The Jewish News                                               and join Temple  Emanu-El  Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman, Associate
                                                                                    Rabbi Michael Shefrin and friendly, interesting companions for socializing
                                                                                    and discussion of current  events and subjects  of Jewish interest.  This
       online at                                                 popular monthly program has become a hit online as new and old friends
                                                                                    enjoy the opportunity to gather virtually. All are invited to this free event
                                                                                    at noon. Please register at to receive the Zoom link, or
                                                                                    call 941.371.2788 for more information.

                                                                                                JLI Course: “Secrets of the Bible”
                                                                                    Revisit six seemingly absurd stories you’ll likely remember from Hebrew
                                                                                    school at the Jewish Learning Institute’s newest course, “Secrets of the
                  Make someone                                                      Bible.” Uncover their hidden themes and eye-opening insights into the
                                                                                    mysteries of life. This six-week course will be taught by Rabbi Mendy
                  feel special                                                      Bukiet on Zoom at 7:30 p.m. Sign up for a thought-provoking experience,
                                                                                    sure to deepen your understanding of Judaism and enrich your life! The
                                                                                    course fee is $60; textbook to be purchased separately on Amazon. For
                                                                                    more information, the Zoom link and to reserve your spot, call Chanie at
                  by making a donation in                                           941.752.3030 or email

                  their name.




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