Page 53 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 53

Bridge... Anyone?
                                                                                                                 The Bridge Group meets Thursday
                                                                                                                afternoons from 1:00–4:00 pm
                                                                                                               on the Federation Campus
                                                                                                              (582 McIntosh Road).
                                                                                                            Open to intermediate
                                                                                                           and advanced bridge players.
                                                                                                          For more information,
                                                                                                        call Bob Satnick
       JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                    November 2020                                        5B
                                                                                                       at 941.538.3739

             MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9                                                  D  o y    ou p      l ay   ?  ? ?                              $ 5 pie
                                                                                 Do you play??? Seasoned
                                                                                          Thursdays / 12pm to 4ish
                                                                                 Thursdays / 12pm to 4ish
                      Kristallnacht Commemoration                               Jerusalem Room, Federation Campus
                                                                                                (582 McIntosh Road)
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                    Looking to start an in-person
        Join us from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Zoom for our annual commemoration of    game using all health precau-  $5 pie.
        Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. Hear from Rabbi Steven Fuchs    tions; virtual game is also an
        (Bat Yam Temple of the Islands on Sanibel Island), whose father lived    Friendly but serious game!
                                                                                  option. Contact Marilyn
                                                                                           Contact Marilyn Oslander
        through Kristallnacht; acclaimed Violinist Niv Ashkenazi playing a Violin   if interested.
        of Hope; and the beautiful vocals of Cantor Lizzie Weiss (Temple Emanuel,                      941.951.2029       Marilyn Oslander
                                                                                                                                  n O
        Beverly Hills). This is a meaningful musical program you do not want to     P lease
        miss. The cost is $10 per household. To register, please visit  contact         941.951.2029
        events. For more information, contact Jessi Sheslow at jsheslow@jfedsrq.
        org or 941.343.2109.                                         Friendly                                             marasota   @  y
        “Kristallnacht 1938: FDR’s Abandonment of the Jews”
                                                                                      THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12
        On Kristallnacht, November 9, 1938, hundreds of synagogues throughout         THURSD        A Y ,   NO VEMBER          1 2
        Germany and Austria were burned down, and thousands of Jewish shops
        and homes were destroyed. Thirty-thousand Jewish men were sent to con-                        Comparative Judaism:
        centration camps. This Nazis’ first mass physical persecution of the Jews       Three Roads Leading to the Same Destination
        made headlines in The New York Times, but beyond a protest issued by
        the U.S. government, Kristallnacht sparked negligible outrage by Amer-      This is the third session of Temple Beth Sholom’s Comparative Judaism
        ica, as FDR essentially abandoned the Jews in the face of their extreme     series. Different rabbis from the Sarasota community will contribute and
        persecution and desperation. This class, presented by the Al Katz Center,   speak about their movement. The final session will have a panel of rabbis.
        begins at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all   The session will feature Rabbi Anat Moskowitz discussing Conservative
        classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman      Judaism. This promises to be a fascinating series with a lot of time for ques-
        at 941.313.9239.                                                            tions, answers and interesting dialogue. The presentation begins at 10:00
                                                                                    a.m. via Zoom ( Fill out the form on tem-
                              NCJW Book Club                               for the password. No cost, but donations are always
        The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Book Club will discuss          appreciated. For more information, call the temple office at 941.955.8121
        The Color of Water by James McBride at a virtual discussion on Zoom         or email
        from  1:00  to  2:30  p.m.  The  NCJW  Sarasota-Manatee  section  website                “This Month in Jewish History”
        ( has information  about  the  Book Club, the
        title selections and dates for the upcoming season. Click on Community      Significant events in Jewish history in November include: Balfour Declara-
        Services  at  the  top  of  the  page. You  will  also  find  Goodreads  reviews   tion issued, 1917; Nazis liquidated Riga ghetto, 1943; UN General Assem-
        of the books. There is no charge for this event and guests are welcome.     bly adopted the Zionism is Racism resolution, 1975; Anwar Sadat spoke to
        For more information and the Zoom link, contact Michelle Rosenthal at       the Knesset, 1977; First Crusade proclaimed by the Council of Clermont, or 609.306.8383.                                     1095; UN votes in favor of partition of Palestine, thus paving the way
                                                                                    to the establishment of the State of Israel, 1947; Chaim Weizmann born,
                                                                                    1874. This class, presented by the Al Katz Center, begins at 10:00 a.m. via
         WEDNESD          A Y ,   NO VEMBER          1 1                            Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all classes. To RSVP and
                                                                                    receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.

                    “History of the Jews of Sarasota”                                                  “The Show of Shows”
        Kim Sheintal’s book, Jews of Sarasota-Manatee, highlights the accom-        We all need to take a break and make space for laughter, amazement and
        plishments and experiences in building today’s local vibrant Jewish com-    joy – and Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood is here to provide exactly that!
        munity from its meager beginning. The Jews of Sarasota-Manatee were         It’s time for “The Show of Shows,” a wonderful collection of humor, cir-
        instrumental in helping this area become the popular tourist and cultural   cus and musical performances via Zoom for the amusement and educa-
        destination it is today. Kim’s presentation begins at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom    tion of one and all. “This one-hour diversion promises to be the highlight
        ( Fill out the form on templebethsholomfl.    of your day,” Brotherhood leaders promise. “Tune in and let the excite-
        org for the password. No cost, but donations are always appreciated. For    ment and fun begin.” This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. Please register at
        more information, call the temple office at 941.955.8121 or email info@ to receive the Zoom link, or call  941.371.2788 for                                                     more information.
            CHJ Education Series presents Carrie Seidman
                                                                                         FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13
        Congregation for Humanistic Judaism (CHJ) invites you to hear Carrie             FRID    A Y ,   NO VEMBER          1 3
        Seidman, columnist for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune at 2:00 p.m. Her top-
        ic will be “After the Election – What’s Next?” This event is free and open                 Climate Change Discussion
        to the public. Please call 941.929.7771 or email
        for the virtual link.                                                       Join Brandeis National Committee at 10:30 a.m. when Dr. Terry Root, Pro-
                                                                                    fessor Emerita at Stanford University, will discuss the science behind our
                                                                                    changing climate and how plants, animals and humans are affected. She
                                                                                    will also share what we can do, collectively and individually, to mitigate
              we are  FED                                                           this crisis. Dr. Root was a lead author of the intergovernmental panel for
                                                                                    Climate Change 4th Assessment Report that in 2007 was co-awarded the
                                                                                    Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore. The public is invited to
                                                                                    this thought-provoking, entertaining and easy to understand event. There
                                                                                    is no charge. To receive the private Zoom link, please register with Ronnie

                       Educating Jewish Minds                                       Riceberg at or 508.942.1479.
                                                                                      SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14
                                                                                      SA   TURD     A Y ,   NO VEMBER         1 4

                                                                                                  Havdalah Family Movie Night

                                                                                    Bring your own blanket, hear Havdalah and enjoy a socially distanced
          our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds throughout the Sarasota-Manatee area — from Holocaust   family Movie Night with a screening of The Golem of Prague on a big in-
        Yand civil rights education to Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children and their
        parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.  We also take great pride in educating the interfaith   flatable screen outside the Chabad House, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton.
        community on Jewish history and antisemitism.                               You can watch from your car as well! Refreshments will be served. The
                                                                                    cost for this 7:15 p.m. event is $5 per child, $7 per adult or $20 per family.
                                                                                    For more information and to reserve your spot, call Chanie at 941.752.3030
                                    •   941.371.4546
                                                                                    or email
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