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8B                         November 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

           SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21                                                        MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23

                            Virtual Thanksgiving                                                         Generations After:
        The Congregation for Humanistic Judaism presents a Thanksgiving Ser-                 How to Research Your Family’s History
        vice at 10:30 a.m., free and open to the public. For the link to the virtual   Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        service, call 941.929.7771 or email                This Heller CRC’s Generations After program is for children and grand-
                                                                                    children of Holocaust survivors. It will help the Generations After learn
                                                                                    how to research more about their family’s history with experts from the
             SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22
             SUND     A  Y ,   NO VEMBER         2 2                                Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum in Israel. This free program takes place
                                                                                    from noon to 1:15 p.m. on Zoom. To register or for more information,
                       Milk & Honey Whisky Tasting                                  please contact Jessi Sheslow at or 941.343.2109.
                            Israeli Distillery Tour

        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                          MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30
        Temple Sinai presents a virtual tour of the Milk & Honey Whisky Tasting
        Israeli Distillery at 5:00 p.m. The event will be hosted by a professional
        whisky sommelier, who is a Jewish dad and employee of Milk & Honey. The                Conversation with Simone Knego:
        cost of $36 per person includes a $30 coupon to Liquor Locker (Fruitville              The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You
        Road) for your own bottle of M&H whisky, five one-ounce samples for         Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        the event, dark chocolate from Banyan Tree Chocolate and Café, and dried    Simone Knego takes you inside her unique journey and the extraordinary
        fruit from Richard’s Foodporium. RSVP by Sunday, November 8, purchase       moments which have shaped her life and defined her mission in her new
        your package and get Zoom information at      book, The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You. Sharing lessons she has learned
                                                                                    from life’s ups, downs and laugh-out-loud moments, she will inspire you
              Send your monthly                                                     to discover your own journey, and to go out into the world and be the good.
                                                                                    The world is waiting for the Extraordinary UnOrdinary You, and you al-
                                                                                    ready have everything you need to get started, simply by being you. This
          Jewish Happenings to                                                      event, which takes place on Zoom from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., is moderated
                                                                                    by Alison Lebovitz, motivational speaker, TV host, author, podcaster and                                                        non-profit executive. To register for this free event, please visit
                                                                                    events. For more information, contact Gisele Pintchuck at gpintchuck@
                                                                           or 941.706.0029.
                                                                NOVEMBER SERIES: MEMOIR

                                                                        Monday, November 2 at 7:00pm

                                                                                               Alexandra Silber
                  PEOPLE OF THE BOOK

                                                                                           White Hot Grief Parade
                                                                                     Alexandra Silber, who graced Sarasota audiences at least season’s
                                                                                   People of the Book, kicks off the week talking about her second book.
                                                                                    Told with raw passion, candor and wit, it’s an ode to the restorative
                                                                                    power of family and friendship – and the unbreakable bond, even in
         Author Lecture Series                                                                  death, between father and daughter.

                    Featuring 25                                        Tuesday, November 3 at 2:00pm

                  virtual events                                                                    Bess Kalb
              through June 2021                                                     Nobody Will Tell You This But Me

         Events are $10 each per                                                   Bess Kalb saved every voicemail her grandmother Bobby ever left her.
                                                                                    Bobby doted on Bess; Bess adored Bobby. Then at 90, Bobby died.
         household or $18 for all                                                  In this debut memoir, Bobby is speaking to Bess once more in a voice
                                                                                   as passionate as ever. Recounting both family lore and secrets, Bobby
           four November events.                                                    brings us four generations of women and the men who loved them.

             Save more when you                                     Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00pm

          purchase a Page Turner                                                             Jason B. Rosenthal

         Pass to the entire series                                                     My Wife Said You May Want
                   for just $108.                                                                  to Marry Me

         For a complete schedule                                                     Jason Rosenthal shares how his wife Amy’s Modern Love column
                                                                                     became her final gift to him, granting him the freedom to imagine
            of events, admission                                                              what the rest of his life could look like.
         information, author bios                                      Thursday, November 5 at 2:00pm

        and book synopses, visit

                                                                   Parnaz Foroutan
                                                                                               Home is a Stranger

         Authors appearing in the                                                   Parnaz leaves Los Angeles for Iran 19 years after her family fled the
      monthly series of the People of                                               religious police state brought in by the Islamic theocracy. Struggling
       the Book are members of the                                                  with her own identity in a culture that feels both foreign and familiar,
                                                                                    she tries to find a place for herself between the American girl she is
       Jewish Book Council Network.                                                            and the woman she hopes to become.
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