Page 38 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 38

38A                             March 2020                                                                          COMMENTARY

                                SAY                                                 Anti-Semitism on the rise                                               By Harold M. Halpern
                                                                                    in the United States

                                                                                                                                                                  he following is an e-mail I sent
                                                                                    By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
                                                                                                                                                                  to my friend  Stuart  in Jerusa-
                                                                                             e all read the account of the
                                                                                                                                                               I enjoy our correspondence.  You
                                                                                             attack in a rabbi’s house on
            “SHALOM”                                                                Wthe  seventh night  of Cha-          of all faiths, races and ethnic identi- asked how the American Jewish com-
                                                                                                                                                            munity feels about President Donald
                                                                                    nukah in Monsey, New York. The per-
                                                                                                                                                            Trump’s Peace Plan. There is no one
                                                                                    petrator  wounded  five  people  and,  if

                                                                                                                                                                              voice. I’ll tell you
                                                                                    it had not been for brave Jews in that
                                                                                                                          ties,  believe  in  the  basic  goodness of
                                                                                                                                                                              my thoughts.
                                                                                    house attacking  the individual  hold-
                                                                                                                          humanity.  We  believe  in  the right  of
                                                                                                                                                                                  The Plan has
                                                                                                                          every religion to practice its belief in
                                                                                    ing the weapon, the death toll and the
                                                                                                                                                                              the Palestinians
                                                                                    far greater. We read of this attack, saw
                                                                                                                          tic  terrorists entering  their  midst pre-
                  TO OUR HIGHLY                                                     number of injured  would have been    freedom, without the threat of domes-               been  rejected  by
                                                                                                                                                                              and  pronounced
                                                                                    the attacker  taken  into
                                                                                                                                    pared to kill and maim.
                                                                                                                                                                              “dead on arrival.”
                                                                                    custody, thought how ter-
                                                                                                                                        Is there a better way?
                                                                                                                                                                              They will not ne-
                                                                                    rible  this is and how it
                                                                                                                                    Yes,  there  is.  Reflect  on

                           TARGETED                                                 should  never  have  hap-                       the reality that took place  terms of the Plan include: The principal
                                                                                                                                                              Harold M. Halpern
                                                                                    pened.  However, did we
                                                                                                                                    on January 1, 2020, at the
                                                                                    realize that in the month of
                                                                                                                                    MetLife Stadium, home of
                           AUDIENCE                                                 December  alone, 11 anti-                       the New York Jets and the  ‹ Sovereignty of Israel over all set-
                                                                                                                                                               tlements in the West Bank and Jor-
                                                                                    Semitic acts took place in
                                                                                                                                    New York Giants football
                                                                                                                                                               dan Valley
                                                                                    New  York? Did we stop
                                                                                                                                    teams. On that day, 90,000
                                                                                    to  consider  that  accord-
                                                                                                                                                               uous state in an area equal to 70-
                                                                                    ing to FBI crime statistics                     Orthodox Jews gathered in  ‹ A demilitarized Palestinian contig-
                                                                                                                                    the stadium for a celebra-
                                                                                    data, incidents of attacks   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  tion more than seven years   80% of the West Bank
                                                                                    in churches, synagogues, temples and   in the making.  This was  Siyum Ha- ‹ Israel to control the security of the
                                                                                    mosques increased 34.8% between       Shas,  Hebrew  for “completion  of  the   West Bank and its borders and air
                                                                                    2014 and 2018, the last year such data   Talmud.” It marked the conclusion of a   space
                         FREE                                                       was available?                        program of religious study engaged in  ‹ Borders, maps and details of agree-
                                                                                       Take a moment and reflect on the   by tens of thousands of Jews through-  ment to be negotiated

                                                                                    tragedies that occurred in Pittsburgh,   out the world. These dedicated people  ‹ Jerusalem is the undivided capital
                                                                                    Pennsylvania,  in Poway, California,   had  committed to  reading  a page  of   of Israel
                                                                                    and in the state of New York. Hatred   the Talmud every day for 2,711 days  ‹ Negotiations  to  be  completed  in
                                                                                    aimed at the Jewish community has be-  until  they  had completed  the  entire   four years
                                                                                    come an epidemic. The threat to the re-  Talmud.                        ‹ During negotiations,  Israel is not
                                    New!                                            become so real that last June the FBI   those who had completed the Talmud,   settlements
                                                                                                                                                               to build new or enlarge existing
                                                                                                                             The 90,000 attendees represented
                                                                                    ligious communities of our country has
                                               S S S S Sition!
                                                                                                                                                               I feel that the timing of the release
                                                                                                                          members of their families  who  came
                                                                                    invited faith leaders to Washington to
                        2020 Ed                ar ar ar ar ar a a a a a s s s s s o o o o o t t t t t a a a a a - - - - - M M M M M a a a a a na t t t t t e e e e e e e e e e  discuss how to protect themselves and   to  kvell  over  their  accomplishments,  of the Plan is an effort to solidify the

                                                                                                                                                            base of both Trump’s and Netanyahu’s
                                                                                    their congregations from biased attack-
                                                                                                                          and  friends who wanted  to  be  in  the
                                                                                                                                                            supporters for their  upcoming  elec-
                                                                                                                          stadium to cheer, not for touchdowns,
                                                                                    ers. Today, in Sarasota and throughout
                          To the Inaugural Issue                                    the country, new safety measures have   but  for religious excellence.  It  was a  tions.
                                                                                                                                                               In the long run, I don’t think the re-
                          DISCOVER ALL THINGS JEWISH                                been taken to ensure that congregants   time of joy for one and all. It was an
                          Synagogues, Food, Culture & More                          are safe and, that if any attack should   expression of Jewish belief vital to a  lease of the Plan will have any impact
                          FIND THE LOCATIONS                                        take place, organized steps will be tak-  particular community. The celebration  on your election. Its terms already had
                          On the Detailed Map Locator

                                                                                    en to lessen the threat of death and in-  went off without any threat of attack,  been leaked and commented on. There
                          SH A L L O M SR Q . o rg
                                                                                    jury. This is necessary, but the greater   without  any  harm  to  anyone.  This  is  will  be an initial  burst of discussion.
                                 A PUBLICATION OF
                                                                                    problem is why now? Why are there so   how life should be experienced in ev- Netanyahu’s principal opponent to be
                                                                                    many attacks on houses of worship?    ery  synagogue,  temple,  church  and  Prime Minister, Benny Gantz – and his
                                                                                    Why has hate become an accepted way   mosque. An expression of faith free of  coalition – was positive about the Plan
                  Advertise in the ultimate guide to everything Jewish in Sarasota   of life in our country?              fear, free of dangers, free of attacks.  as was Netanyahu. So there is no basis
                  and Manatee counties! SHALOMSRQ is a NEW magazine-style              It has to stop. We live in America,   This  is what life  in  America should  for an issue there.
                  resource guide that residents and visitors will keep on hand.     where  “the  land  of the  free and  the   be. We pray that one day such will be   After a short period, the campaign
                                                                                    home of the brave,” is the watchword   the  reality  experienced  by each  and  will return to its normal routine. Netan-
                  SHALOMSRQ connects your business to a powerful demo-              of our country. Good people  of all   every  faith.  Hate  will  not  triumph  in  yahu will claim credit for positive rela-
                  graphic; our readers are affluent, well-educated, established,    faiths need to stand together and pro-  our land.                       tions with the U.S. and attack Gantz as
                  and philanthropic. Over half have said they frequently pur-       claim  in  the  loudest  voice  possible,   Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found- beholden to liberals and Arab Israelis
                  chase products or services from ads seen in our publications.*    “Enough is enough, we are better, ever   ing chair of the Robert and Esther
                                                                                    so much better than this.” Hatred will   Heller Community Relations Commit-
                  WHAT’S INSIDE SHALOMSRQ?                                          not hold sway in our land. All people,   tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
                  SHALOMSRQ covers everything a local resident, visitor             you and me and our fellow Americans
                  or newcomer needs to know when it comes to “all things
                  Jewish” in Sarasota and Manatee counties.                                          Letter to the Editor
                  • Synagogues & Temples     • Jewish Youth & Teen
                  • Jewish Clubs              Programs                                 enjoy reading your monthly paper   made kosher-style bagels at Nellie’s
                                                                                                                          Deli  on Beneva  at  Fruitville.  To my
                                                                                       and would like to add to the Febru-
                  • Jewish Cultural Arts     • Jewish Calendar                      Iary 2020 article authored by Kim     knowledge, these are the only authen-
                  • Jewish Education         • Israel Connections                   Sheintal titled “Sarasota’s Jewish rela-  tic, handmade daily on site, bagels cur-
                  • Jewish Food              • History of Jews in Sarasota          tionship with food.”                  rently in the area. These are available
                  • Jewish Gift Shops        • Maps with Drop-pin                      Kim mentions bagels and names a    in over 12 varieties, and we also make                                  FUNERAL SERVICES
                  • Jewish Service Providers  Locators                              few outlets which carry bagels in the   bialys and challah breads. Nellie’s also
                  • Jewish Housing           • AND MORE!                            Sarasota area.                        carries a wide variety of Jewish delica-
                                                                                       I moved from New Jersey in 1985    cies in its restaurant and marketplace.
                  AD PLACEMENT                                                      and opened Better Bagels on Tamiami      I just wanted to update any of your   The Area’s ONLY Jewish Owned & Operated Funeral Home
                  Ads are placed into one of our regional sections — North,         Trail. We opened a second outlet in the   readers who are in search of the “real
                                                                                    Landings in 1987. Both were closed as
                  Central, South — with drop-pin locations included on its          of 2001. However, I still make hand-  – Jonathan “Jay” Kroll, Sarasota
                  regional map; readers will be able to find your business easily!                                                                                                       Specializing in local burial, out-of-state transfers,
                                                                                         Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee
                  INTERACTIVITY                                                           do not necessarily re ect those of The Jewish Federation                                                                  and burial in Israel

                  All ads that include a website have the URL embedded into                  of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or sta .

                  the ad for quick access from the SHALOMSRQ online version                                                                                             •  REFORM  •  CONSERVATIVE  •  ORTHODOX  •
                  to your website.
                  DEADLINE                                                                                                                                       • Chevra Kadisha
                  Don’t wait; the placement window to advertise in SHALOMSRQ
                  is nearing fast:                                                                                                                               • Pre-need Trusts
                      CLOSING DATE IS MAY 15, 2020                                                                                                               • Cremations
                                                                                                                                                                 • Free Burial Plots                                 2426 Bee Ridge Road
               For more information or to reserve your space, contact                                                                                               for Veterans/Spouse                                  Sarasota, FL 34239
               Adam Kaplan at 941.552.6307 or                                    Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish
                                                                                                      organizations, clubs and service providers online.
                                                                                       24 Hour Information at                              (941) 955-1075                         Michael, David, Pati and Steven Gross

                 SHALOMSRQ is published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
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                                       *Statistics from a survey conducted by the Circulation Verification Council.

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