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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                                  May 2021                                 11

     CRConnect: Is Zionism a form of racism?

     By David Millstone
        srael as a modern state was found-  concerned that world opinion would be   Zionism as racism, introduced in 1965,   Return” makes Zionism racist,
        ed on the basis of the Zionist dream   focused on the U.S. as well. Wanting to   found its way into Resolution 3379 in   since  non-Jews are  not  accorded
     Iof the late  19  century, advanced   move the focus off itself, the U.S. at-  1975.                                 automatic citizenship, are specious
     and promoted  by Theodor Herzl.  For   tempted to put the Soviet Union on the   When Resolution  3379 was ad-        as  Israel  has regular  procedures,
     Herzl, Zionism was a nationalist move-  hot seat for its persecution of its Jew-  opted,  it  adversely  impacted how Is-  similar  to  many  other  countries,
                                          ish minority. To do so, it proposed the
 Pensacola cemetery  ment for the establishment of a Jewish   addition of antisemitism as a form of   rael was treated in not only various   for non-Jews to obtain Israeli cit-
                                                                                UN bodies, but by other international
     homeland  in the historic land of the
 Staff Report  Jewish people  – Eretz  Yisrael  or the   Robert and Esther Heller             bodies as well. Resolu-  ‹   Israel  is  a  multi-ethnic  and
                                                                                                                          multi-religious country.
     Land of Israel. His dream was built
                                                                                              tion 3379 was revoked
     upon the need to protect the survival                                     onnect         in 1991. However, it    ‹   Israel has welcomed  Ethiopian
     of Jews, not only physically, but reli-             CRC                                  resurfaced in 2001 in       Jews, Indian  Jews, North African
     giously and culturally.                                                                  Durban,  South Africa,      Jews, Jewish refugees  expelled
        Today, there are two antithetical                                                     when Israel  was sin-       from  Arabic and other Moslem
     views of Zionism – one is that Zionism                                                   gled out in the  World      countries,  European  Jews – a  di-
     is racist and the other is that anti-Zion-  racism. Russian treatment of its Jewish   Conference  Against  Racism.  Today   verse group of Jews.
     ism is both antisemitic and racist. This   minority was becoming a big issue in   there are groups on both the right and   In conclusion, the arguments that
     article  will explore how the concept   the 1960s. In response to the U.S. pro-  left which continue to promote the con-  Zionism is a form of racism are con-
     of Zionism as racism developed, and   posal, the Soviets developed a strategy   cept of Zionism as racism.       trary to the evidence.  Support of the
     why, in this author’s view, it is simply   that proposed including Zionism as a   An analysis of Zionism leads to the   concept calls into question the whole
     wrong.                               form of racism under CERD.            opposite conclusion: Zionism is not a   legitimacy of the State of Israel. Zion-
        On November 10, 1975, the UN          Arab countries  immediately  sup-  form of racism.                      ism cannot be a form of racism when it
     General  Assembly passed Resolution   ported the Russian proposal. (The    ‹   Zionism  is a national  liberation   does not deny or denigrate other races
     3379 declaring “Zionism is a form of   proposal to declare Zionism as racism   movement  of the  Jewish people,   or religions, when it welcomes a racial-
     racism and racial discrimination.” The   occurred two years prior to the Six-  just as there was a general upsurge   ly diverse Jewish population, and when
     resolution was passed 37 years to the   Day War when Israel captured the West   of national consciousness and as-  a diverse non-Jewish  population can
     day after Kristallnacht.             Bank, Gaza and the remainder of Jeru-     piration that overtook most other   and have become citizens.
        The concept of Zionism as racism   salem.) The Arab logic went something    people starting in the mid-1800s.     For more detailed information and
     was  not new. It had its roots in geo-  like this:                         ‹   Zionism is incompatible with rac-  original source material, visit the Fed-
     political  struggles when the UN was   •  Racism is illegal                    ism – it is rooted in principles of   eration  website  at
     debating and negotiating  the Interna-  •  Zionism is racism                   freedom, democracy, equality and   nect. The issue of whether Zionism is
     tional  Convention  on Elimination  of   •  Israel is a Zionist state          social justice.                   a form of racism is closely tied to the
     All Forms of Racial  Discrimination    •  Therefore, Israel is illegal     ‹   Zionism promotes the Jewish con-  question of whether Israel is a colonial
     (CERD), adopted in 1965. The African     The goal of the Arab countries in     nection to the land of Israel going   state,  the  issue to  be  explored  in  the
     nations wanted the focus of CERD to   having Zionism declared as racist was    back to biblical times.           June issue of The Jewish News.
 Read the current and previous  be on racial discrimination, with par-  to  delegitimize Israel.  For the  Soviet   ‹   It does not denigrate other reli-  Any opinions expressed in this article
                                          Union, its strategy worked. The refer-
     ticular  focus on apartheid  in  South
                                                                                                                      are those of the author and not nec-
                                                                                    gions or nationalities.
 editions of The Jewish News    Africa. Because of the racial discrim-  ences to all “isms” other than racism   ‹   Arabs living  in  Israel  have  rights   essarily those of The Jewish News or
                                                                                    of citizenship and equality.
 at  ination  in the United States that still   were removed  from CERD before   ‹   Arguments  that  Israel’s “Law  of   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
                                          its passage. However, the concept of
     existed in the mid-1960s, the U.S. was

         Holocaust, Genocide                 1,912 Sarasota-Manatee

      and Tolerance Education                 students learned about the
                                                Holocaust from survivors
 MAY 3  — 31 (Mondays)  •   2:00PM                               last year

 MAY 10 •  2:00PM
                                               Your story of survival moved
 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK —  WOMEN SERIES  — PAMELA NADELL    me and I will remember you
 AMERICAN’S JEWISH WOMEN   NEVER FORGET               for the rest of my life.
                                              – North Port High School Student
 MAY 11  •  2:00PM


 MAY 12 •  7:00PM  Ensuring we   Learn what “Never Forget”

 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK  —  WOMEN SERIES  —   BILL HALTOM   means, before it is too late.
 WHY CAN’T MOTHER VOTE?      Invite a Holocaust survivor to
                      your school, synagogue or library.
 MAY 13  •  3:00PM

                        To book a speaker, contact Anne Stein


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