Page 14 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 14

14                         May 2021                                                                   COMMUNITY FOCUS

     All Faiths Food Bank recognizes Temple Emanu-El

           emple Emanu-El has been rec-       “Temple  Emanu-El  is proud to    ognized the crisis and responded with     Temple Emanu-El’s Social Action
           ognized as the top fundraiser for   again be named the top fundraiser for   such  generosity,”  Temple  Emanu-El   Committee  continues  its good works
     TAll Faiths Food Bank – winning      2020 for All Faiths Food Bank,” So-   Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman stated.  this month,  inspired  by  The  Undies
     this  honor  in  2020  for  its  successful   cial Action Committee co-chair Susan   “I wish it were enough,” he added.   Project in Connecticut, collecting new
     High Holy Day Food Drive. Although   Rosembaum said. “The need for sup-    “Hunger persists in our community. I   underwear for women, men and chil-
     the Coronavirus pandemic meant that   port of the food bank has been exac-  hope we remain ever-vigilant  to hear   dren for Second Chance-Last Oppor-
     Temple Emanu-El’s usual collection of   erbated by the pandemic, resulting in   the cries of those in need.      tunity. Donations for this important
     nonperishable foods had to be replaced   many  people  in need of food for the   “We are grateful to have All Faiths   cause can be dropped off outside Tem-
     by a drive for cash donations, members   first time in their lives.”       Food Bank here to provide food to the   ple Emanu-El at 151 McIntosh Road,
     responded as generously as ever – do-    “We are honored to receive  this   hungry in our community,” he con-    Sarasota.
     nating over $45,000 during Rosh Ha-  award again, especially this year. I am   cluded. “They make it easy for us to do
     shanah and Yom Kippur.               proud of our temple members who rec-  our part.”

     NCJW Scholarship                                                           Celebrating Passover

     Awards for 2021                                                            at Aviva Senior Living

     By Jill Simons                                                             By Gayle Guynup
           his year marks the 21  Annual      “We were  so impressed  by the           esidents at Aviva Senior Living   not fit the beauty of Seders past,” she
           Scholarship  Awards  Program   quality of the candidates who submit-        were able to celebrate Passover   said. “Also delivered to each apartment
     Tsponsored by the Sarasota-Man-      ted an application for our 21  Annual  Rthis year with two Seder meals,     was a small, clear plastic plate with the
     atee Section of the National Council of   Scholarship Awards Program. Most of   celebrated  in  their  recently  reopened   Seder’s traditional symbols. As I lit my
     Jewish Women (NCJW). The Scholar-    the applicants are pursuing degrees in   communal dining rooms. Last year, in   candles,  years  of  celebrations  swam
     ship Program recognizes and promotes   the healthcare field, which is reflective   response to Covid-19, the dining rooms   before my eyes and I began to remem-
     education of “non-traditional students”   of our community needs and employ-  were closed for Passover, with the Sed-  ber  happenings at  family  Seders in
     who are seeking to continue their ed-  ment opportunities,”  stated  Andria   er meals being delivered to individual   years past – the laughs, the meaning of
     ucation  after  a  lapse  of  five  or  more   Bilan, chair. “The decisions were dif-  apartments instead.
     years. This year, a total of 12 qualified   ficult,  but  we  have  great  faith  in  the   “It’s wonderful to be able to bring
     applications were received. The com-  academic  and professional  success of   our residents back home to their dining
     mittee  reviewed the candidates and   these five recipients.”              room to celebrate this joyous festival
     selected the following five grant recip-  Scholarship Committee  Members   of Passover  as a  family,”  said Aviva
     ients:                               included  Andria Bilan,  chair;  Cece-  CEO Jay Solomon.
     ‹   Tiffany Gens: $4,000 -           lia  Horwitz,  co-chair;  Jessica Dill,   The Seder, of course, is a special
        Galen School of Nursing           Suzan  Friedman,  Nancy  Gold, Joan   meal that includes the retelling of the
     ‹   Rodolfo Ibarria: $4,000 -        Goodis, Paulette  Kessler-Westerman,   story of the liberation of the Israelites
        LECOM Dental                      Ginny Kutikoff, Rosalie Lewis, Phyl-  from slavery in ancient Egypt, as told
     ‹   Treshana Jackson: $2,000 -       lis Lowitt, Rookie Shifrin and Natalie   in the Book of Exodus in the Hebrew
        Galen School of Nursing           Weinstein. A special thank you to those   Bible.
     ‹   Yuki Lorenzo: $4,000 -           individuals and institutions who gen-     Meals were served on both Satur-
        Galen School of Nursing           erously donated to the non-traditional   day, March 27 and Sunday, March 28      Dr. David Lipton at the Aviva Seder
     ‹   Cara Ruhnke: $2,000 -            scholarship fund.                     at the Kobernick Independent  Living   freedom, the feeling of being loved and
        New College                                                             dining room, as well as at the three din-  of giving love, and how grateful I was
                                                                                ing rooms in Aviva’s Anchin (Assisted   that at this late stage of my life, feel-
                                                                                Living) and Benderson (Skilled Nurs-  ing protected, safe and not alone in my
                                                                                ing) facilities.                      beautiful  home  at  Aviva  Kobernick.
                                                                                                                      “This year, to be able to celebrate the
                                                                                                                      Passover Seder in the dining room is
                  Make someone                                                                                        extremely meaningful,” she said. “Peo-

                                                                                                                      ple  my age  have  experienced many
                  feel special                                                                                        losses in their lifetimes. Not being with
                                                                                                                      one’s own family, we need the warmth
                                                                                                                      and friendship of those around us. Avi-

                  by making a donation in                                                                             va gives us the opportunity to celebrate
                                                                                                                      in this beautiful setting, to lift our voic-
                                                                                                                      es  together,  to  pick  up  the  Haggadah
                  their name.                                                                                         and share familiar songs.
                                                                                                                          “This  year, we were  able  to  con-
                                                                                                                      nect,  to bond and to strengthen each
                                                                                     Carolyn Kaplan at the Aviva Seder  other. The hardest thing last year was
                                                                                    The officiant for the Passover cele-  not  being  able  to  be  with  those  with
                                                                                bration was Rabbi Rachel Dulin.       whom you share a lifetime  of mem-
                                                                                    “Unfortunately, we won’t be able   ories – the recipes,  the cleaning,  the
                                                                                to have families, visitors or guests with   changing of dishes and all of the other
                                                                                us this year,” Solomon explained, “be-  special moments of closeness that we
                                                                                cause we can only have 50-60 residents   have  all  missed as we were isolated.
                                                                                in the dining room at
                                                                                any one time.”  This
                                                                                is in keeping  with
                                                                                necessary safety pro-
                                                                                tocols  that  were es-
                                                                                tablished during the
                                                                                    Aviva  resident
                                                                                Carolyn  Kaplan  ex-
                                                                                plained the impor-            Rabbi Rachel Dulin conducts the Aviva Seder
              Call Bonnie at      Or visit                 tance of celebrating Passover with her   This year’s dinner was a feast to behold
                                                                                fellow residents.
                                                                                                                      – the matzo ball soup, choices of tradi-
              941.343.2115        to donate                                         “Last year, Passover was very lone-  tional Pesach fare that brought back so
                                                                                ly. Traditional meals were delivered to   many memories including the love of
                                                                                each apartment, however Styrofoam     family, and the joy of being surrounded
                                                                                containers and reheating the foods did   with family, our Aviva family.”
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