Page 27 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 27

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                          January 2021                                   27A

     Caring for our seniors – in                                                Additional assistance
 Sara “Suki” Sellinger  Anne Spindel  Arthur Timmons  Frank Wieckowski

 Joel & Felicia Servetz  David & Lisa Spindler  Bruce & Janet Udell  Michele Wieckowski  Sarasota and in Israel  for Holocaust survivors
 Berta Shaffer  Paula and Arnold Spitalny  Frank & Svetlana Usherenko  Brenna Wilhm  This program is sponsored by    This program is sponsored by

 Clay Shafton  Iris Starr  Oleg & Ritta Vainer  Marvin Wolf  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            mong the greatest  challenges   Director  of  Strategic  Partnerships  at   s Holocaust survivors continue   working to get the word out to sur-
 Allan & Gail Shaivitz  Anne Stein  Robert & Judith* Vigder  Linda Wolfe  our community  faces during   JDC-Eshel, will engage  in a conver-  to age, they require more help   vivors who may not be aware of this
     Athe Coronavirus pandemic  is        sation about their work, its successes  Ato  address a  range  of  health,   development as well as informing our
 David & Robin Shapiro  Barry Stein  Neal Vorchheimer  Nancy Wolk  caring for our seniors – keeping them   and challenges, what we have learned   socialization  and home  care  needs.   existing clients.”
                                                                                                                          Additionally, more than $650 mil-
 Gerard & Barbara Shapiro  Roberta Steiner  Eleanor Wachs  Craig Wolpert  protected  physically, active  mentally,   about caring for our seniors during this   Regrettably, Covid-19 has only exacer-  lion is being allocated to survivors for
                                          pandemic,  new  initiatives  in  Saraso-
     and nourished spiritually and emotion-
                                                                                bated their plight.
                                                                                    However, due to the gravity of the
 Steven & Cheryl Shapiro  Devora Leah Steinmetz  Mark Walzer  Scott Woolf  ally. How can the necessity of physical   ta-Manatee and in Israel, and how we   situation,  an agreement  was recently   social welfare aid. This marks almost
                                          can all work together  to help protect
                                                                                                                      a $40 million increase from last year.
     isolation be reconciled with the impor-
 Mark & Margaret Sharff  Rabbi Chaim & Sara Steinmetz  Elizabeth Weber  Daryl Worobow  tance of human contact? What can be   and sustain this essential  population.   reached  between The  Claims  Confer-  These  resources  will  benefit  tens  of
 Larry & Carol Shatoff  Rabbi Levi Steinmetz  Herman Weber  Karen Worobow  done to keep our cherished seniors safe   This special conversation will be mod-  ence  and  the  German  government  to   thousands of the  most  impoverished
     in every aspect of their health?
                                                                                                                      survivors who are  especially vulner-
                                          erated by Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman,
                                                                                increase financial and human services
        As members of the Sarasota-Man-
 Hirsh & Goldie Shifrin  Lina & Abram Stekolshchik  Gloria & William Weed  Stanley & Cynthia Wright  atee community, we are blessed to have   and is sponsored by The Jewish Fed-  support for survivors worldwide.  able  to  rises in  the  cost  of groceries
                                                                                                                      and other necessities  brought on by
                                          eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee,  JFCS,
                                                                                    “There are survivors who are under
 David & Larissa Shutovsky  Deborah Stengel  Pamela Weigert  Merrill & Sheila Wynne  an expert, caring professional – Pamela   JDC,  Eshel,  and  Temple  Emanu-El’s   the impression that they’ve already re-  the pandemic. More homecare, med-
 Linda Silver  Kenneth Stock  Robert Weigert  Larry & Sheree Zaslavsky  Baron,  MSW,  Director  of Aging  Ser-  Israel Committee, Social Action Com-    ceived the full compensation to which   ical expenses and programs to allevi-
                                                                                they are entitled. But the criteria for
     vices  at  Jewish  Family  &  Children’s
                                          mittee,  Starfish  Initiative  and  Adult
                                                                                                                      ate social isolation will be covered as
 Alan & Cindy Silverglat  Ronnie Storch  Norman & Hannah Weinberg  Saul & Leah Zatz  Service of the Suncoast (JFCS) – over-  Education Committee.  compensation  have  changed  and  sup-  well.
     seeing local efforts. And as Jews and
                                                                                                                          All survivors in our area are urged
                                              The  event  is  free,  and  the  entire
                                                                                plementary  payments  are now avail-
 Ken & Susan Simon  Martin & Hadassah Strobel   Kyla Weiner  Sharon Zawadski  friends of Israel, we are blessed to have   community is warmly invited. For more   able to many survivors in the wake of   to contact JFCS Holocaust Assistance
                                          information,  call  Rabbi Elaine  Rose
                                                                                this  agreement,”  explains  Communi-
     Eshel, which functions under the aus-
                                                                                                                      Director  Jan  Alston to  learn more
 Robert Simon  Stephen & Leah Suffin  Laura Weinshel  Harry & Dodie Zehnwirth  pices of the Joint Distribution Commit-  Glickman at 941.379.1997. To register   ty  Chaplain  Rabbi  Jonathan  R.  Katz,   about these new resources. Jan can be
 Dennis Zimmerman
 Sheri Simon  Nonna & Mikahail Sukhovitsky  Steven Weinshel  Merrill Zinder*  tee (JDC) to meet these needs all over   and receive the Zoom link, please visit   JFCS of the Suncoast’s Jewish Healing   reached  at  941.366.2224 or jalston@
     the Jewish state.
                                                                                Program Director. “That’s why we are
        On Thursday, January 14 at noon,
 Theodore Simon  Adrea Sukin  Melvin Weisel  Gail Zingerman*  Pamela  Baron  and  Marc  Codron,    html.  PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS –
 Gail Sinick  Janet Sulek  Kirk & Diane Weisman  Jerry Zingerman                   THEY HELP MAKE THE JEWISH NEWS POSSIBLE
 Mort* & Bunny Skirboll  Harvey & Bonnie Sussman  Linda Weiss  “These we honor”
 Robin Sweeting  Joan & Peter Wells  Calvin & Patricia Zoellner
 Rabbi Stephen &    Your Tributes
 Corinne Sniderman  Leonard & Judith Swerdlow  Louise & Jud Werbelow  Alan Zuckerman
 Judith Sokal  Kenneth Taksen  Rabbi Michael & Melissa Werbow  *Of blessed memory  ANNUAL CAMPAIGN  BOB MALKIN YOUNG
 Jay & Lori Solomon  Marilyn Taub  Alan & Judith Wertheimer  IN HONOR OF  AMBASSADORS FUND
 If we have inadvertently omitted any   Jack Abelow
 Maxine Solomon  Stuart Tauber  Patti & David Wertheimer  individual or have misspelled any   Kathleen Klein  IN HONOR OF
 names, please accept our apologies   Marilyn Rosen  Amelia Malkin
 O. David Solomon  Howard & Bryna Tevlowitz  David Wicentowski  John and Jill Malkin
 & contact Gisele Pintchuck so we   Maurene Freedman
 Susan and Martin Spector  Marjorie Tick*  Wendy Wicks  can properly acknowledge you.  Sam and Terry Roth  HOLOCAUST
      Leslie and Michael Podolsky
      Ron and Rachyrah Stonehill                  PROGRAMS
      Marriage                            IN MEMORY OF
      Janice and Robert Grossman          Allen and Hermine Herskovitz
      IN MEMORY OF                        Lori Armstrong
      Robin Tannenbaum
 Joining this extraordinary group of donors is easy!   Rita Tannenbaum
 Download your Letter of Intent today or get more information on this transformative program from  Theresa Tucciarone  Roberta Berson

               NOTE: To be publicly acknowledged in
       The Jewish News, Honor Cards require a minimum                                      Helping you live the life
            $10 contribution per listing. You can send                             Helping you live the life            Helping you live the life
                                                                                      you want, the way you want.
              Honor Cards directly from                             you want, the way you want.         you want, the way you want.
        For more information, please call 941.552.6304.


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