Page 31 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 31

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                          January 2021                                   31A

     Rabbi Ed Feinstein will serve as Temple Emanu-El’s
 At home at Aviva with Bernice and Ellis Lasberg  Scholar-in-Residence

 has programming planned for morn-  emple Emanu-El is honored to   award-winning  books, in-  Saturday  at  11:00  a.m.   moral courage. It is the quality that de-
 ing, afternoon and night. In addition   welcome Rabbi Ed Feinstein   cluding  Tough Questions   Based on his newest   fines the Jewish people throughout our
 to those, she also has physical exercise Tas  this  year’s  Scholar-in-Resi-  Jews Ask: A  Young Adult’s   book – Chutzpah Imper-  history. And a quality we desperately
 programs – everything from sitting in  dence, and to invite the community to   Guide to Building a Jewish   ative!  Empowering To-  need right now.”
 your chair and stretching, to breathing  learn with him Friday, January 22 and   Life,  Capturing  the  Moon   day’s Jews for a Life that   Larry and Wendy Barnet, Scholar-
 and  balance  exercises  that  are  really  Saturday, January 23.  and  Jews and Judaism in   Matters – Rabbi Fein-  in-Residence co-chairs, expressed great
 wonderful.”  The  senior  rabbi  of  Valley  Beth   the Twenty-First Century:              stein will examine  the   excitement about the program. “We are
  “You don’t have to be bored.  Shalom  in  Encino,  California,  and  a   Human Responsibility, the   history of chutzpah.  delighted. Rabbi Feinstein is transfor-
 I have read a book a week since this  faculty member of the Ziegler Rab-  Presence  of  God  and the   “‘Chutzpah’  is Yid-  mative,” they stated. “This will be an
 thing started. I don’t think I’ve read  binical  School,  the  Wexner  Heritage   Future of the Covenant.   dish for nerve,  audac-  amazing weekend.”
 this much in my entire life,” Ellis said.  Program,  and  the  Shalom  Hartman   Rabbi Feinstein will   ity,” Rabbi Feinstein   To register for the Scholar-in-Res-
 The Lasbergs are still learning the  Institute  in  Jerusalem,  Rabbi  Fein-  deliver  the sermon during   Rabbi Ed Feinstein  explained. “But ‘chutz-  idence  weekend,  please  visit  sarasota
 computer  and Zoom, which allows  stein lectures widely across the Unit-  Shabbat services Friday at 7:15 p.m.,   pah’  is  much  more.  In  the  Talmud,  For more information, call
 them to stay in touch with their son and  ed States. He is the author of several   and his main presentation will be held   ‘chutzpah’ meant irrepressible  life,   941.371.2788.
 “One of the residents,” Ellis said,  Temple Beth Sholom holds its first in-person event
 “has a current events program on
 is  Joseph Newman,  and  he  is  our since start of pandemic
 Zoom. It’s very well done. His name
 107-year-old  resident.  His programs  By Lex Calaguas
 are just marvelous.”   n the early evening of November   Sukin,  one  of  the  program  coordina-  Gift bags were distrib-
 Some of the common areas are ac-  15, Temple Beth Sholom’s parking   tors. Attendees and song leaders sang a   uted containing  a bag of
 cessible now, though with restrictions.  Ilot had cars for the first time since   variety of songs including “Hatikvah,”   Life  Savers,  face  masks,
 Residents  can  make  reservations  to  the  start  of  the  Covid-19  pandemic.   “America the Beautiful” and “We Shall   hand  sanitizers,  printed
 visit the library, the fitness center and  What drew the “crowd” of 30 cars was   Overcome.”   song books and  a  safety
 pool (though with  no more  than  two  a parking lot sing-along fea-           instruction  sheet  which
 people at a time).  turing  Joy  Katzen-Guthrie                                included a message en-
 “Everything  Aviva  does, all  the  as accompanist, and several                couraging participants  to
 current rules, are for our safety and se- song leaders including retired       get their yearly flu shot.
 curity,” Ellis said. “I appreciate every- Cantor  Neil  Newman.  Cars              Feedback from the or-  Todd Haven, Dana Corn, Susan Weintraub and Lauren Haven
                                                                                                                       help with the event set-up
 thing that Aviva does for us.”  were limited and strategically                 ganizers, volunteers and medical advi-  sing-along program was able to spark
 2021 a year to celebrate   placed, and participants were                       sors was overwhelmingly positive.     joy, a sense of unity and hope while ad-
     required  to  stay  near  or in
                                                                                                                      hering to health and safety recommen-
                                                                                    The  event  was  created  with  the
 30 years of Temple Sinai  their  cars while  wearing                           hopes of reestablishing  the  sense of   dations.  Temple  Beth  Sholom  hopes
                                                                                                                      to be able to hold more of these out-
                                                                                community  and connection  between
                                                                                                                      door, socially  distanced events in the
        “It  was a most joyous,
                                    A few of the song leaders on the “stage” (Cantor Neil
     successful event,” said Adrea   Newman, Jeff Bain, Ronnie Riceberg, Joy Katzen-Guthrie)  people  that  has been  strained  during   future.
                                                                                the  current  pandemic.  The  temple’s

                                            The Spirit of Sarasota, Brought Home
 Chazzan Cliff Abramson, Rabbi Samantha Kahn,
 Rabbi Geoff Huntting

                                                                              A t A viv a, our r esident s do mor e than call our
                                                                              At Aviva, our residents do more than call our
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 Temple Sinai Zoom Trivia Night
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