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Driver’s Manual  |  19

        The DMV Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) pro-    If you are under 21 years old and convicted of
      cesses the tickets for non-criminal moving traffic   any alcohol or drug-related violation that occurred
      violations issued in the five boroughs of New York   out of state, your New York driver license will be
      City. The TVB system allows the other courts in   revoked for at least one year. If you have any
      these areas to concentrate on criminal cases. This   alcohol conviction your license will be revoked for
      includes driving offenses like Driving While Intox-  at least one year or until the age of 21, whichever
      icated (DWI) and driving while suspended or re-  is longer.
      voked. In other areas of the state, traffic violations
      are processed in the criminal and traffic court of     The New York State Department of Motor
      the city, county, town or village where the alleged   Vehicles records the conviction of any New York
      offense occurred. No matter what court system   driver for criminal negligence, homicide, or assault
      is involved, every motorist who receives a traffic   that arises from the operation of a motor vehicle
      ticket can present a defense and be represented   and which results in death. The driver license or
      by a lawyer.                          privilege to drive will be revoked and vehicle
                                            registrations may also be revoked. It does not
      TRAFFIC TICKETS RECEIVED              matter if the conviction occurred in this state or
      OUT OF STATE                          another state.

                                            MANDATORY SUSPENSION
        The New York State Department of Motor
      Vehicles does not record convictions of moving   OR REVOCATION
      traffic violations by NYS non-commercial licensed
      drivers in other jurisdictions, except traffic offens-    Your driver license or driving privilege can be
      es committed in the provinces of Ontario and   suspended or revoked for many reasons. NOTE:
      Quebec in Canada. Out-of-state traffic convic-  Motorboat and snowmobile operators less than 21
      tions, except for Ontario and Quebec, are not   years old who drink alcohol face similar penalties
      added to your New York State “violation point”   and sanctions against their privileges to operate a
      driving record.                       motorboat or snowmobile. Examples of revoca-
                                            tions and suspensions that are required by law:
        However, your New York driver license will
      be suspended if you fail to answer a ticket for a   Alcohol and Drug Violations (Also see
      moving traffic violation in any state except Alaska,   Chapter 9: Alcohol and Other Drugs)

      California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon or Wis-
      consin. Your license will remain suspended until       •  Aggravated driving while intoxicated (Agg-
                                                DWI), with .18 of one percent blood alcohol
      you answer the ticket. For clearance of your NYS   content (.18 BAC): minimum one-year
      driver license or permit you must submit proof   revocation.
      to the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles that
      the ticket has been satisfied. If you are a driver
      from any state, except one of the six states listed       •  Driving while intoxicated (DWI), with .08
                                                of one percent blood alcohol content (.08
      above, you will have your driver license suspend-  BAC): minimum six-month revocation
      ed in your own state if you fail to answer a moving
      traffic violation summons in New York State.
                                                •  Driving while ability impaired by alcohol
        If you are over 21 years old and are convicted   (DWAI): 90-day suspension.
      of an alcohol- or drug-related driving violation
      (e.g., DUI) in another state or the provinces of       •  Driving while ability impaired by drugs
      Ontario and Quebec in Canada, your New York   (DWAI-drug): minimum six-month suspen-
      driver license will be revoked for at least 90 days.   sion
      Out-of-state drivers who get tickets in New York
      State can contact the motor vehicle department of       •  Driving under the influence of alcohol or
      their own state or province about how a    drugs out-of-state (DUI): minimum 90-day
      conviction affects them.                  to six-month revocation, depending
                                                on conviction.
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