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Driver’s Manual  |  21

                 Violation         Points             Violation          Points
        Speeding MPH not specified   3        Improper passing, unsafe lane change, drove   3
        Speeding MPH over    1 to 10  3     left of center, or drove wrong direction
        posted limit:                         Violation involving a traffic signal, stop sign
                            11 to 20  4     or yield sign                 3
                            21 to 30  6       Failing to yield right-of-way  3
                            31 to 40  8       Railroad crossing violation  5
                         More than 40    11
                                               Leaving scene of incident involving property
        Reckless driving             5      damage or injury to domestic animal  3
        Passing a stopped school bus  5       Safety restraint violation involving    3
        Inadequate brakes            4      person under 16
                                              Inadequate brakes (while driving
        Following too closely (tailgating)  4                             2
                                            employer’s vehicle)
         Use of mobile telephone or portable electron-
       ic device while operating a motor vehicle  5    Any other moving violation  2
      Note: Insurance companies can have their own point systems. These have no relationship to and should not be confused
      with the DMV point system.
      The point values charged against your record   FEES AND CIVIL PENALTIES
      are from the date you commit the violation, not
      the date you are convicted. If you get 11 or more     In most cases, if your driver license has been
      points within 18 months, you will be notified by   suspended for an exact period, like 30 days or 90
      mail that your driver license will be suspended.   days, your license will not be returned until you
      You can request a DMV hearing only to show that   pay a non-refundable $50 suspension termination
      the convictions in question were not yours. You   fee. If your license was suspended as a result of
      cannot re-argue the convictions or request    the Zero Tolerance Law, you will be required to
      the suspension be waived based on     pay a $125 civil penalty and a $100 suspension
      special circumstances.                termination fee.

        You can reduce your point total by up to four     In most cases, if your driver license has been
      points and save up to 10 percent on your auto lia-  revoked, you cannot apply for a new license until
      bility and collision insurance premiums by taking   you pay a non-refundable $100 fee to reapply for
      a DMV-approved “Motor Vehicle Accident Pre-  the license. This fee is not required if your license
      vention Course.” Completion of a point reduction   was revoked for operating without insurance or
      course cannot prevent a mandatory suspension   if you were issued a license with conditions or
      or revocation or be applied as a “credit” against   restricted uses.
      future points, or prevent or reduce a Driver Re-
      sponsibility Assessment by the DMV.     After the following revocations, you must pay a
                                            civil penalty to DMV before your application for a
      TRAFFIC CRASHES                       new license can be accepted:

        At this time, except where required by law,       •  Operating without insurance or accident
      the term “accident” is frequently replaced by   without insurance: $750 civil penalty.
      “crash.” This is because a “crash” can normally be
      prevented. If you are involved in a traffic crash in       •  Chemical test refusal: $500 civil penalty
      which another person is killed, your license can   ($550 if while driving a commercial motor
      be suspended or revoked after a DMV hearing   vehicle).
      even if you were not charged with a violation         •  Chemical test refusal within five years of
      when the incident occurred.
                                                an earlier alcohol, drug or refusal-related
                                                revocation: $750 civil penalty.
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