Page 46 - mv21
P. 46
46 | Driver’s Manual
SEAT BELTS, CHILD SAFETY SEATS 7 must use a booster seat with lap and shoul-
AND AIR BAGS der belt or a child safety seat (The child safety
restraint system must meet the height and weight
recommendations of the restraint manufacturer.)
Seat belts save lives and can prevent serious
injuries in traffic crashes. This is why New York Exception: A child more than 4 feet 9 inches
State requires seat belt use by adults in motor ve- in height or weighing more than 100 pounds is
hicles and seat belts, booster seats or child safety allowed to use a seat belt that has both a lap belt
seats for children. and a shoulder harness. If the seat belt does not
fit correctly, the child must use a booster seat with
New York is a “primary enforcement” state, a lap and shoulder belt.
which means a police officer can pull you over
just because you or one of your passengers isn’t When you drive, you must make sure each
wearing their seatbelt. A law enforcement officer person in your vehicle is properly restrained by
can issue a traffic ticket for failure to wear a seat a seat belt, child restraint system, or car seat.
belt. This law also applies to visitors from outside During a crash, a person not properly restrained
New York State. Highlights of the New York State becomes a flying object and a danger to each
occupant restraint law: person in the vehicle.
• In the front seat, the driver and each passen-
ger must be properly restrained, one person • For added protection, adjust your vehicle
per belt. The driver and front-seat passen- head rest, lock the doors and do not keep
gers age 16 or older can each face a fine of loose, heavy objects in the passenger area.
up to $50 if they fail to buckle up. Put them in the trunk.
• Air bags are meant to work WITH seat belts,
• For vehicles driven by persons with a not to replace them. An air bag protects a
Class-DJ learner permit or a Class-DJ driver front-seat occupant in a head-on crash by
license, every occupant, no matter the age inflating on impact and providing a cushion
or seating position, must correctly use a so the occupant does not collide with the
safety restraint. steering wheel, dashboard or windshield.
The combination of a seat belt and an air
• The driver must make sure that each pas- bag offers maximum protection, partly be-
senger under 16 obeys the law. The driver cause they help the driver maintain control
can face a fine of $25 to $100 and receive of the vehicle and help prevent
three penalty points on his driver license for secondary collisions.
each violation.
• Air bags engage (expand quickly) from the
• Seat belt use is not required in taxis or steering wheel and/or dashboard. Most adults
livery vehicles, emergency vehicles, 1964 who are correctly fastened are safer in a
or older vehicles or by passengers in buses vehicle with air bags, but the pressure of an
(except school buses; seat belt use can be air bag as it opens could injure those who sit
required by a school district). Rural Letter too close to it. You should sit with at least 10
Carriers are also exempt when they are inches between the center of your chest and
delivering mail. the cover of the air bag. Place your hands on
opposite sides of the steering wheel, at the 3
Every passenger under age 16 must use a and 9 clock positions, to keep them away if
safety restraint. If under age 4, persons must be the air bag engages.
correctly secured in a government approved child
safety seat that is attached to a vehicle by a safe- IMPORTANT: NEVER PUT AN INFANT IN A
ty belt or universal anchorage (LATCH) system. REAR-FACING CHILD SAFETY SEAT
A child under age 4 who weighs more than 40 IN THE FRONT SEAT OF A VEHICLE THAT HAS
pounds can be restrained in a booster seat with A PASSENGER AIR BAG.
a lap and shoulder belt. A child of age 4, 5, 6 or