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Driver’s Manual  |  51

        CHAPTER 9 / ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS     You do not have to look or feel intoxicated
                                            for these things to occur. The effects of alcohol
                                            consumption can begin long before you become
        You have probably heard the facts before –   intoxicated or even legally impaired and begin
      driving while impaired or intoxicated is a serious   with the first drink.
      traffic safety problem in the United States. In New
      York State, more than 20 percent of all highway     As alcohol physically limits your ability to drive,
      deaths involve the use of alcohol or other drugs.   it also makes you less aware of what is happening
      But the facts and statistics do not tell the whole   to your safe driving abilities. It becomes difficult
      story. Behind the numbers are thousands of lives   for you to judge your condition. You can gain
      cut short, permanent or disabling injuries, and   confidence about driving, when you should not be
      families devastated because someone drove   driving at all.
      while under the influence of alcohol or
      other drugs.                          During each mile you drive, you make hundreds

        When you drink alcohol or take other drugs,   of decisions. Your decisions turn into actions that
      safe driving is not possible. Not every impaired or   keep your vehicle controlled and ensure you
      intoxicated driver causes a traffic crash, but each   avoid crashes. Alcohol makes it difficult to make
      one is dangerous, putting the lives of himself or   correct decisions and to take the safest actions.
      herself and those sharing the road at risk.
                                            For example: You have just stopped at a STOP
        Young people, who have less experience with   sign. You see another vehicle approaching the
      alcohol or drugs and driving are especially at high   intersection. You must quickly make a decision
      risk. Drivers under age 21 are approximately 4   whether it is safe to go through the intersection.
      percent of the driving population, but 7 percent of   Under the influence of alcohol, you are more like-
      the impaired drivers involved in fatal crashes. This   ly to make a wrong decision and “take a chance.”
      is one reason the driver license revocation penal-  Your slower reaction time, and the bad decision,
      ties are more severe for young drivers who drive   could cause a crash.
      under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
                                            OTHER DRUGS
        Because driving “under the influence” is so
      dangerous, the penalties for alcohol or drug-re-    Drugs, which include many prescription and
      lated violations are tough and enforcement is   over-the-counter medications, can affect your
      important. The chance of apprehension and con-  ability to drive. They can have effects similar to
      viction are high and New York State law strictly   alcohol or even worse. If you take medication,
      limits your ability to plea bargain when charged   even a remedy for colds or allergies that is not
      with an offense related to alcohol or drugs.  prescribed, check the label for warnings about
                                            its effects. If you are unsure, ask your doctor or
      WHAT ALCOHOL DOES                     pharmacist about driving while on the medication.

        Alcohol increases reaction time, reduces your     Never drink alcohol while you are taking other
      ability to see clearly, changes your judgment of   drugs. It could be dangerous, often enhancing
      speed and distances, often makes you less inhib-  the effects of the alcohol and the other drug. For
      ited and makes you more prone to take chances.   example, taking one drink while you are also
      The important skills you need to drive safely are   using a cold remedy could affect you as much
      made weaker.                          as several drinks.

        Because your vision is normally restricted at
      night, it is especially dangerous to drink and drive
      after dark. Alcohol also reduces your ability to re-
      cover from the glare of headlights. When another
      vehicle moves toward you, you can be blinded by
      its headlights for a long period of time.
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