Page 58 - mv21
P. 58
58 | Driver’s Manual
Railroad Crossing Warning Sign Do not under any circumstances, attempt to
cross any railroad tracks unless you are certain
COLOR: Yellow with black letters your entire vehicle will clear all of the tracks at
“RR” and “X” symbol. the crossing. You cannot go across any railroad
tracks unless there is room for your vehicle on the
MEANING: There is a railroad other side. If other traffic prevents you from going
crossing ahead. Use caution, fully across, wait and go across only when there
and be prepared to stop. If you is room.
are following a bus or truck
approaching a railroad crossing, be careful. School buses with or without passengers, other
Most buses and some trucks must stop at buses with passengers on board and vehicles
railroad crossings. with explosives or flammable cargo must stop at
all railroad crossings. Remember those rules if
(See “Railroad Crossing Signals”.) you are following one of these vehicles.
Railroad Crossing Signals Pavement Markings
Flashing red Sometimes, grade crossings do
lights, lowered not have flashing red light signals
crossing gates or gates. Pavement markings
and/or a bell at a will often show you that a grade
railroad crossing crossing is ahead. Stay behind
indicate that you the stop line while waiting for a
must stop, at least train to pass.
15 feet (5 m) from
the tracks. Do Stalling on Railroad Tracks
not go across the
tracks until the What should you do if you
lights and bell have stopped and the crossing stall on the tracks, for any
gates are completely up. Do not drive around or reason?
under a gate that is moving up or down.
1. GET OUT! (That
Yield when you see a includes EVERYONE
crossbuck sign, which is a sign in the car, children, babies, an elderly
shaped like an “X” with “RAIL- passenger, etc.)
ROAD CROSSING” printed on it
(like the sign above but without 2. Get away from the tracks, even if you do
flashing lights). If there are not see a train.
multiple train tracks, the sign
will show the number of tracks. 3. Locate the Emergency Notification System
sign and call the number provided, telling
Look and listen for trains them about the stalled vehicle.
before crossing any railroad
tracks. If an approaching train Run toward the general direction the train is
is near enough or going fast coming from. If a train is approaching, run toward
enough to be a danger, you the train but away from the tracks at a 45-degree
cannot go across the tracks, angle. If you run “down the track,” in the same
even if they have no signals or direction as the train, you can be hit with debris
the signals are not working. when the train hits your vehicle.