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62  |  Driver’s Manual

      deer crossing signs. The New York State Depart-  LOSS OF A WHEEL - Handle this as you would
      ment of Environmental Conservation recommends   a blowout. A thump or noise in the wheel can be
      these precautions motorists can take to reduce   a warning sound. Leave the roadway and stop.
      the chance of a deer hit:             Then check your vehicle or have it checked.

          •  Be careful when you drive at dawn and   STEERING FAILURE - If your vehicle suddenly will
          dusk; this is when driver visibility is bad and   not respond when you steer, slowly take your foot
          the deer are most active.         off the gas pedal, turn on your emergency lights
                                            and keep your foot off the brake pedal while it is
          •  The risk of deer-vehicle collisions increases   safe to do so. The balance of the vehicle will allow
          when deer movements increase during   it to continue going straight, but a sudden change
          breeding season in October, November    in speed could send it out of control. As the vehi-
          and December.                     cle decreases speed, you can brake very carefully
                                            to bring it to a stop.
          •  Decrease speed when you approach deer
          near roadsides. Deer can “bolt” or change   BRAKE FAILURE - If your brake pedal suddenly
          direction at the last minute.     goes to the floor, try pumping it to increase pres-
                                            sure. If that does not help, use your emergency or
          •  If you see a deer go across the road, de-  parking brake – but use it gently. If you shift to a
          crease speed and be careful. Deer travel in   lower gear, it will help your vehicle
          groups, expect other deer to follow.  decrease speed.

          •  Use emergency lights or flash your head-  HEADLIGHT FAILURE - If your headlights sud-
          lights to warn other drivers when deer are   denly go out, try your emergency lights, parking
          seen on or near the road.         lights and directional signals. These may continue
                                            to work and can give you enough light to leave
          •  Use caution on roadways marked with deer   the roadway safely. If your headlights begin to
          crossing signs. These signs are put in areas   dim, drive to a service station or pull off the road
          that have had a large number of deer-   and go for help.
          vehicle collisions.
                                            STUCK GAS PEDAL - Hook your shoe under the
      DRIVING EMERGENCIES                   pedal and see if you can free it. If not, shift into
                                            neutral and use the brake to slow your vehicle
        The most important rule in any emergency is   and get off the road. Do not turn off the ignition
      do not panic. You have a better chance in an   if your vehicle has power steering or a steering
      emergency if you do not let fear take over. In most   wheel that has a column that locks, because if
      emergencies, you will have a second or two to   you do, you will lose your power steering or not
      think before you act.                 have the ability to steer at all.

        Here is what to do in different emergency   RUNNING OFF THE PAVEMENT - If your wheels
      situations:                           move off the pavement, do not pull the steering
                                            wheel back. Ease your foot off the gas pedal and
      TIRE BLOWOUT - A thumping sound can be a   brake gently. When your vehicle has decreased
      warning that a blowout is about to occur. If you   speed, check for traffic behind you, then turn
      hear it, get safely off the road and check your   carefully back onto the pavement.
      tires. If a tire blows out, hold the steering wheel
      tight and slowly take your foot off the gas pedal. If   VEHICLE APPROACHING HEAD-ON IN YOUR
      your vehicle skids, handle it as you would on ice   LANE – Decrease speed, pull over to the right
      or snow. Do not use your brake until your vehicle   and sound your horn to warn the other driver.
      is controlled. Leave the road when it is safe to    Do not turn into the left lane. If you do, the other
      do so.                                driver may suddenly recover and pull back into
                                            that lane, causing a head-on collision.
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