Page 66 - mv21
P. 66
66 | Driver’s Manual
MOTORCYCLISTS Motorcyclists have the same rights and respon-
sibilities as drivers of other vehicles, and must
As a driver, you share the road with a lot of follow the same traffic laws. However, motorcy-
other motorists – not all of which are driving cars clists, like pedestrians, bicyclists and skaters, are
or trucks. Motorcycles are common on New less visible to drivers. Though you may often see
York roads. As a driver, you are responsible to motorcycles on the roads in the spring, summer,
be aware of motorcycles and understand how to or fall – you can encounter motorcycles anytime
safely share the road with them. and anywhere. Because we don’t see them all
year, we may not actively think about them.
Motorcycles (which include scooters and mo-
peds) come in a variety of shapes and sizes. New When there is a crash involving a motorcycle
York State Law defines a motorcycle as “Every and another vehicle, the rider (and passenger)
motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use have a much higher chance of being seriously
of the rider and designed to travel on not more hurt or killed than the driver (and passengers) of
than three wheels in contact with the ground, the other vehicle. Though motorcyclists are re-
but excluding a tractor.” Most motorcycles you’ll quired to wear approved helmets and goggles or
see have either two or three wheels. Examples a face shield, motorcycles themselves do not offer
include (but are not limited to): the rider the protections that you have with other
types of vehicles. For example, motorcycles don’t
protect the rider with a frame around the rider.