Page 2 - Rushden Trader September 2018
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Tuesdays 10 -12noon — Starts 18th September Tuesdays 10 -12noon — Starts 18th September
Anxiety & Depression Workshops, Support Groups, Art & Craft Group Anxiety & Depression Workshops, Support Groups, Art & Craft Group
All activities run Monday - Thursday, please contact us for full details All activities run Monday - Thursday, please contact us for full details
Singing Group Singing Group Mindfulness Mindfulness
Open to anyone who enjoys sing-Open to anyone who enjoys sing- Mindfulness is a technique you can Mindfulness is a technique you can
ing, would like to feel their confi-ing, would like to feel their confi- learn which involves making a spe-learn which involves making a spe-
dence grow and is keen to improve dence grow and is keen to improve cial effort to notice what's happen-cial effort to notice what's happen-
their health & wellbeing. their health & wellbeing. ing in the present moment. ing in the present moment.
Call for Dates & Times Call for Dates & Times Starts in September - booking req’d Starts in September - booking req’d
Crisis Café @ Rushden Mind Recovery Café Crisis Café @ Rushden Mind Recovery Café Monthly Psychoeducational Courses Monthly Psychoeducational Courses
If you find yourself emotionally distressed, feel in crisis If you find yourself emotionally distressed, feel in crisis Self Esteem : Starts Tues September 11th Self Esteem : Starts Tues September 11th
and need support with your mental health, our recovery and need support with your mental health, our recovery Looking after your Mental Health starts October Looking after your Mental Health starts October
café is the place to help in your hour of need. café is the place to help in your hour of need.
Monday, Wednesday 4- 8.30pm & Sunday 12 - 7.30pm Monday, Wednesday 4- 8.30pm & Sunday 12 - 7.30pm £5 to book your place. £5 to book your place.
What’s on during @ Rushden Mind Call 01933 312800 to book your place What’s on during @ Rushden Mind Call 01933 312800 to book your place
Registration is required for some groups, please call 01933 312800. All sessions are £3 for adults. Registration is required for some groups, please call 01933 312800. All sessions are £3 for adults.