Page 5 - Rushden Trader September 2018
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Has Your Double

     Glazing Steamed Up?

     Established for over a   whole window including   years of experience
     decade Cloudy2Clear   the frames and all the   Cloudy2Clear have a
     windows have become   hardware, however   wealth of knowledge and
     a leading company for   Cloudy2Clear have come   are recognised as a Which   Cloudy2Clear
     glass replacement.  Issues  up with a simple and cost   Trusted Trader, plus our   GUARANTEE All
     with double glazing can   saving solution… Just   work is backed by an   Customers That An
     often be gradual and may  replace the glass!!  industry leading 25 year   Average Quote Will
     only be noticed during a     If you see condensation   guarantee.  Cloudy2Clear   Take No Longer
     clear sunny day or during  in your windows just visit  also replace faulty locks   Than 20 MINS!!!
     the winter. A failed glass   our website or give us a   handles and hinges on all
     unit may no longer   call on 0800 61 21 118.    windows and doors.
     provide you with the   We will send out our highly     Your friendly local
     protection you need or   experienced engineers for a  Cloudy2Clear specialist is
     be energy efficient. Why  free no obligation quote.    Trevor Skidmore and he
     not spend a few minutes  A Cloudy2Clear quote   services Rushden, Higham
     checking your home to   takes on average no   Ferrers and surrounding
     see if you have any failed  longer than 20 minutes.   areas.
     double glazing?  If you   Once the quote is      So, if your windows are
     act now you can avoid   completed, we will sit   steamed up, broken or
     these problems.     down with you and explain  damaged give Trevor a
        Now, you may think   the problem and tell you   call for a free quotation on
     you need to replace the   how we can fix it.  With   0800 61 21 118.

       Cloudy2Clear Windows...

            Service With A Smile!

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