Page 16 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
P. 16
Eligible Expenses
Healthcare FSA
X Doctor’s visit copays Submitting a Claim
Our Healthcare FSA includes a grace period extension which allows an
X Prescription drug copays
additional 2.5 months for claim reimbursement. If you have money left
X Medical and dental deductibles in your Healthcare FSA and no additional expenses to claim at the end of
X Over-the-counter medications the year, you do not have to forfeit the balance. Instead, you can use the
(with a written prescription) remaining balance to offset expenses incurred from January 1 through
X Hearing aids March 15 of the following year. You will have until March 31 of the
following year to manually submit claims for reimbursement. Money left
X Eye glasses in your Healthcare FSA after March 31 will be forfeited.
Dependent Care FSA Reimbursements from your FSA accounts can be processed when
X Cost of child or adult day care*
you submit either a paper form or online submission through
X Nursery school You can also set up convenient direct deposit
X Preschool (excluding reimbursements to your account. If you do not set up direct deposits,
kindergarten) reimbursements will be mailed as a check to you.
* Eligible dependent = Tax dependent
child under age 13; Tax dependent
spouse, parent, or child unable to care
for themselves
16 2018 Benefits Enrollment
Healthcare FSA
X Doctor’s visit copays Submitting a Claim
Our Healthcare FSA includes a grace period extension which allows an
X Prescription drug copays
additional 2.5 months for claim reimbursement. If you have money left
X Medical and dental deductibles in your Healthcare FSA and no additional expenses to claim at the end of
X Over-the-counter medications the year, you do not have to forfeit the balance. Instead, you can use the
(with a written prescription) remaining balance to offset expenses incurred from January 1 through
X Hearing aids March 15 of the following year. You will have until March 31 of the
following year to manually submit claims for reimbursement. Money left
X Eye glasses in your Healthcare FSA after March 31 will be forfeited.
Dependent Care FSA Reimbursements from your FSA accounts can be processed when
X Cost of child or adult day care*
you submit either a paper form or online submission through
X Nursery school You can also set up convenient direct deposit
X Preschool (excluding reimbursements to your account. If you do not set up direct deposits,
kindergarten) reimbursements will be mailed as a check to you.
* Eligible dependent = Tax dependent
child under age 13; Tax dependent
spouse, parent, or child unable to care
for themselves
16 2018 Benefits Enrollment