Page 14 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
P. 14
Eligibility How to Spend Your HSA
Requirements This is a list of eligible expenses you can pay for using your HSA savings.

Because there are so many tax X Medical deductibles and coinsurance payments
advantages with the HSA, there are
a few eligibility requirements which X Medical, dental, and vision care services
you must meet in order to open and X Medical, dental, and vision care services for your spouse or
contribute to an HSA. To contribute to dependents, even if they are not covered under the same plan as you
an HSA, you must meet the following
criteria. X Medicare premiums and COBRA coverage

X You must be enrolled in a X Over the counter medications with a written prescription
Qualiied High Deductible Health
Plan, like SLU’s QHDHP plan As the HSA owner, you are responsible for determining whether a
healthcare expense is eligible for reimbursement from your HSA. For a
X You must not be covered by any more comprehensive list of eligible and non-eligible HSA expenses please
other health plan which is not a
Qualiied High Deductible Health visit and view Section 213(d) of the IRS Tax Code.

X You must not be covered by a
Healthcare FSA for the tax year
in which you will claim your HSA Ofice Visits
deposits as tax deductions, unless
it is a Limited FSA

X You must not be eligible to be Prescriptions
claimed as a dependent on
someone else’s tax return

X You must not be enrolled in Lab Work
for Life Eligible Healthcare
X You must not have received
Veterans Administration Beneits You can use your HSA to pay for
within the past 3 months Vision eligible healthcare expenses such
(exception for service related as...

Dental and Ortho


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