Page 9 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
P. 9
Saint Louis University
Express Scripts Programs Prescription Drug
SLU continues to partner with Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI) to implement Insurance Card
strategies for curbing the rising cost of pharmacy medications. The Upon enrollment in the medical
programs below are intended to drive better decision making and support plan, Express Scripts will send
healthier outcomes. you an ID card. If you need to
request a new one, contact Express
Scripts at 888.778.8755 or
Voluntary Smart 90 Program
The Voluntary Smart 90 Program allows members to ill a 90-day supply Mail Order Program
of maintenance medications at Walgreens or through home delivery. By
illing at a 90-day supply, members pay the reduced 90-day supply copay Our prescription beneit through ESI
provides a mail order program which
rather than iling at the 30-day retail copay each time. Currently, members allows you to ill a 90-day supply. If
can only ill a 90-day maintenance medication through home delivery. you take a maintenance medication,
This allows an additional alternative. If you currently ill a maintenance the Express Scripts program will
medication at a retail pharmacy you will receive more information from require you to make a choice between
Express Scripts regarding your new options. home delivery and the retail pharmacy.
Members will receive communication
material directly from ESI which will
Out-of-Pocket Protection Program explain how to make your decision
about where you would like to ill
The out-of-pocket protection program ensures all member’s out-of- your maintenance medication. Failure
pocket expenses accurately relect the member’s actual spend. Under to make your decision may create
certain circumstances, a member may receive copay assistance for a disruption in reilling your prescription
specialty drug, and their full copay is relected under the plan. This at a retail pharmacy.
program corrects the assistance accumulation, so only the amount a You can initiate your participation
member spends will be relected in their out-of-pocket maximum. This in the mail order program by
program does not take away from any specialty drug assistance the contacting ESI Member Services at
member may receive. Impacted members will receive communication 888.778.8755.
from Express Scripts notifying them of the adjustment. Coverage Questions?
If you have questions regarding
whether or not a prescription is
covered, please contact customer
service at 888.778.8755. If you
are having issues, your prescription
may be subject to step therapy,
prior authorization, or drug quantity
Express Scripts Programs Prescription Drug
SLU continues to partner with Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI) to implement Insurance Card
strategies for curbing the rising cost of pharmacy medications. The Upon enrollment in the medical
programs below are intended to drive better decision making and support plan, Express Scripts will send
healthier outcomes. you an ID card. If you need to
request a new one, contact Express
Scripts at 888.778.8755 or
Voluntary Smart 90 Program
The Voluntary Smart 90 Program allows members to ill a 90-day supply Mail Order Program
of maintenance medications at Walgreens or through home delivery. By
illing at a 90-day supply, members pay the reduced 90-day supply copay Our prescription beneit through ESI
provides a mail order program which
rather than iling at the 30-day retail copay each time. Currently, members allows you to ill a 90-day supply. If
can only ill a 90-day maintenance medication through home delivery. you take a maintenance medication,
This allows an additional alternative. If you currently ill a maintenance the Express Scripts program will
medication at a retail pharmacy you will receive more information from require you to make a choice between
Express Scripts regarding your new options. home delivery and the retail pharmacy.
Members will receive communication
material directly from ESI which will
Out-of-Pocket Protection Program explain how to make your decision
about where you would like to ill
The out-of-pocket protection program ensures all member’s out-of- your maintenance medication. Failure
pocket expenses accurately relect the member’s actual spend. Under to make your decision may create
certain circumstances, a member may receive copay assistance for a disruption in reilling your prescription
specialty drug, and their full copay is relected under the plan. This at a retail pharmacy.
program corrects the assistance accumulation, so only the amount a You can initiate your participation
member spends will be relected in their out-of-pocket maximum. This in the mail order program by
program does not take away from any specialty drug assistance the contacting ESI Member Services at
member may receive. Impacted members will receive communication 888.778.8755.
from Express Scripts notifying them of the adjustment. Coverage Questions?
If you have questions regarding
whether or not a prescription is
covered, please contact customer
service at 888.778.8755. If you
are having issues, your prescription
may be subject to step therapy,
prior authorization, or drug quantity