Page 6 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
P. 6
Eligible Employees
You may enroll in the beneits program if you are a regular full-time
employee who is actively working an average of 32 hours per week.
Eligible Dependents
As you become eligible for beneits, so do your eligible dependents. In
general, eligible dependents include your legal spouse and children up
to age 26. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children, children
obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship, or disabled children
over age 26.
If you are adding a dependent, please provide your dependent veriication
documents within 31 days of your Beneits effective date. For more
information, please see the Dependent Veriication link on the Human
Resources webpage. For your convenience, your documents may be
scanned and emailed to or faxed to 314.977.1785
Working Spouse Eligibility
Full-time working spouses who have access to medical coverage through
their employer are not eligible for SLU’s medical plan. Spouses are still
eligible for coverage on SLU’s medical plan if they:
X Are not employed, or self employed
X Are not eligible for coverage through their employer
X Are not offered qualifying coverage through their employer which
includes preventive care, major medical, and prescription drug
beneits with their employer contributing at least 50% of the premium
for single coverage
X Are on Medicare and do not have access to an employer program
If one of the above scenarios applies, your spouse can remain enrolled
in SLU’s medical plan. This deinition of eligibility only applies to the
medical plan. All spouses are eligible for the dental, vision, life, and
Employees who wish to enroll or keep accident plans. This provision also does not affect the deinition of an
their spouse on their SLU insurance eligible child.
will be required to complete and
submit a spousal healthcare afidavit
to the SLU Beneits Ofice.
6 2018 Benefits Enrollment
Eligible Employees
You may enroll in the beneits program if you are a regular full-time
employee who is actively working an average of 32 hours per week.
Eligible Dependents
As you become eligible for beneits, so do your eligible dependents. In
general, eligible dependents include your legal spouse and children up
to age 26. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children, children
obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship, or disabled children
over age 26.
If you are adding a dependent, please provide your dependent veriication
documents within 31 days of your Beneits effective date. For more
information, please see the Dependent Veriication link on the Human
Resources webpage. For your convenience, your documents may be
scanned and emailed to or faxed to 314.977.1785
Working Spouse Eligibility
Full-time working spouses who have access to medical coverage through
their employer are not eligible for SLU’s medical plan. Spouses are still
eligible for coverage on SLU’s medical plan if they:
X Are not employed, or self employed
X Are not eligible for coverage through their employer
X Are not offered qualifying coverage through their employer which
includes preventive care, major medical, and prescription drug
beneits with their employer contributing at least 50% of the premium
for single coverage
X Are on Medicare and do not have access to an employer program
If one of the above scenarios applies, your spouse can remain enrolled
in SLU’s medical plan. This deinition of eligibility only applies to the
medical plan. All spouses are eligible for the dental, vision, life, and
Employees who wish to enroll or keep accident plans. This provision also does not affect the deinition of an
their spouse on their SLU insurance eligible child.
will be required to complete and
submit a spousal healthcare afidavit
to the SLU Beneits Ofice.
6 2018 Benefits Enrollment