Page 4 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
P. 4
Employee Contributions

As you know, SLU remains committed to a 75%/25% premium

split between the University and employees. For the 2017 plan year,
SLU adjusted this split to 76.2%/23.8% in order to keep employee
contributions unchanged from the 2016 plan year. Starting with the 2018
plan year, SLU will gradually move back to the 75%/25% split in order to
lower the increase to employee contributions. The split for the 2018 plan
year will be 75.5%/24.5%.

X The salary threshold for the medical subsidy is increasing from
$37,000 to $37,740

Decision Support Tools

SLU will be offering two new services to help employees understand their
medical options and medical care throughout the year.

X Jellyvision/ALEX—ALEX is an online interactive tool which will
help you select the best beneit plan for you and your family; ALEX
will ask you questions about your health care needs and, based on
your responses, recommend the Plus Plan or QHDHP Plan; to access
Alex, visit

X Compass—this service helps you navigate through the healthcare
system; Compass can help you understand your beneits, ind a
provider, explain your bills, provide price comparisons, and more; at
this time, these services will only be offered to those enrolled in the

Further details surrounding these changes can be found in this guide.

4 2018 Benefits Enrollment
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