Page 22 - 2018 SLU Enrollment
P. 22
The IRS maximum contribution is 403(b) Retirement Plan
$18.500. If you are age 50 or older,
you may contribute an additional Saint Louis University offers a voluntary deined contribution plan to all
$6,000. All contributions are made full-time employees, effective on your date of hire. The University 403(b)
pre-tax. plan provides one of the best ways to save money for retirement while

deferring current income taxes. After one year of continuous service (at
least 1,000 hours), the University will begin contributing to the 403(b)
plan, provided the employee is participating in the plan.

Contributions to the 403(b) plan are all tax deferred, and contributions
made by the University are 100% vested immediately. The University’s
contribution is based on the employee’s 403(b) contribution as follows.

Employee Contribution Employer Contribution
0 0
1% 2%
2% 4%
3% 6%
4% 8%
5% (and higher) 10%
Note: contributions to the 403(b) plan are all tax deferred, and contributions made by the
University are 100% vested immediately.

Tax deferred investments for the 403(b) plan are available through
salary reduction from Teachers Insurance Annuity Association (TIAA).
Employees may enroll for the plan online at

More information on SLU’s retirement plans can be found at www.slu.

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