Page 2 - 2016 WFF Guide 1
P. 2
E nrollment O nline E nrollment
All eligible employees need to enroll 1. Access the secure online enrollment system:
online or call a beneits counselor to Website:
complete enrollment. Current beneit Username: Your 9 digit Social Security Number (with or
elections will not automatically roll without dashes)
over for 2016. Therefore, if you want PIN: Last 4 of SSN + 2 digit year of birth
coverage in 2016 you must make an
active election during open enrollment. PIN example:
SSN 999-99-9191
W hat Y ou N eed to D o Date of birth 7/5/1983
PIN= 919183
Review your beneit material detailed
in this guide 2. Review your personal information and your existing dependent
Look at all other plan options information for accuracy
available to you and your family (i.e., 3. Add any dependents you would like to cover under the beneits
your spouse’s plan and the plans who are currently not showing in the system
offered through your state’s health 4. Review your beneit options and complete your enrollment in
insurance exchange); compare the the desired plans
costs of coverage and the beneits 5. Complete your enrollment by entering your PIN at the bottom
provided to see which coverage best of the Enrollment Conirmation form
its your family’s needs 6. You will receive an email within one business day of the
Gather your dependents’ SSN and completion of your enrollment certifying your elections
dates of birth; all employees must
provide their dependents’ SSN and E nroll by P hone
dates of birth if the dependent is to 1. Call the beneits enrollment line at 888.636.9302 between 8 a.m.
be covered under any of the beneit and 5 p.m. CST.
plans 2. A beneits counselor will walk you through the enrollment
To elect coverage for 2016 you can process over the phone
enroll online through our secure
enrollment portal or you can call a
beneits counselor
I f you need assistance logging into the system or completing your
enrollment you can call the W F F / C leanTech enrollment helpd esk at
8 8 8 .6 3 6 .9 3 0 2 . The W F F / C leanTech enrollment helpd esk is open 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. M ond ay through F rid ay.
E nrollment O nline E nrollment
All eligible employees need to enroll 1. Access the secure online enrollment system:
online or call a beneits counselor to Website:
complete enrollment. Current beneit Username: Your 9 digit Social Security Number (with or
elections will not automatically roll without dashes)
over for 2016. Therefore, if you want PIN: Last 4 of SSN + 2 digit year of birth
coverage in 2016 you must make an
active election during open enrollment. PIN example:
SSN 999-99-9191
W hat Y ou N eed to D o Date of birth 7/5/1983
PIN= 919183
Review your beneit material detailed
in this guide 2. Review your personal information and your existing dependent
Look at all other plan options information for accuracy
available to you and your family (i.e., 3. Add any dependents you would like to cover under the beneits
your spouse’s plan and the plans who are currently not showing in the system
offered through your state’s health 4. Review your beneit options and complete your enrollment in
insurance exchange); compare the the desired plans
costs of coverage and the beneits 5. Complete your enrollment by entering your PIN at the bottom
provided to see which coverage best of the Enrollment Conirmation form
its your family’s needs 6. You will receive an email within one business day of the
Gather your dependents’ SSN and completion of your enrollment certifying your elections
dates of birth; all employees must
provide their dependents’ SSN and E nroll by P hone
dates of birth if the dependent is to 1. Call the beneits enrollment line at 888.636.9302 between 8 a.m.
be covered under any of the beneit and 5 p.m. CST.
plans 2. A beneits counselor will walk you through the enrollment
To elect coverage for 2016 you can process over the phone
enroll online through our secure
enrollment portal or you can call a
beneits counselor
I f you need assistance logging into the system or completing your
enrollment you can call the W F F / C leanTech enrollment helpd esk at
8 8 8 .6 3 6 .9 3 0 2 . The W F F / C leanTech enrollment helpd esk is open 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. M ond ay through F rid ay.